Translation: Gold and Silver. Gold and silver composed by Frederick W. Olpen. Choir sheet music. Choral Score. Published by Edition Tonger.
Translation: Gold and Silver. Gold and silver composed by Franz Lehar. 1870-1948. For Mixed choir. Published by Hug Musikverlage.
Translation: Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Guitar sheet music. By Michael Buschjan. Jean-Pierre Valance. Holger Obenaus. Norbert sugar.
Translation: Gold And Silver.
Translation: Green, Silver and Gold. Green, silver and gold composed by Robert Pappert. Choir sheet music. For TTBB Men's Choir.
Translation: Gold And Silver. Violin. Plan. Sheet Music. Violin, Piano Accompaniment. VLN. PFA.
Translation: Gold And Silver. This flamboyant waltz by Franz Lehar is composed for full orchestra including saxophone, Accordion and percussion.
Translation: Gold And Silver. Gold And Silver. For fanfare band. Arrangements of Classical Compositions. New Year's Concert.
Translation: Gold and Silver Waltz, Op. 79 Gold and Silver Waltz. Harp sheet music. Percussion sheet music. Tenor Saxophone sheet music.
Translation: Gold And Silver. Gold And Silver. For concert band. Arrangements of Classical Compositions. New Year's Concert.
Translation: Moderato Beat fur kleine Bandbesetzung mit Bb und Eb Stimmen, Gesang & Akkordinstrumenten. Voice sheet music. Gunther Behrle. vocal.
Translation: My home country. It, it, it is und. Gold and silver I love very. Accordion sheet music. My home country. Willi Draths.
Translation: All in One Volume 1. Gold And Silver. It, it, it is und. Wilhelm Lutz. Accordion sheet music. All in One Volume 1.
Translation: German folk songs. Gold And Silver. Piano sheet music. German folk songs arranged by Werner Niehues. For electric organ. M7.AV-5950.
Translation: Sacred Songs . Point establishes the gold'nen days from Rinaldo. Mit Wurd und Hoheit from The Creation. Various. For Voice.
Translation: My home country. Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit. It, it, it is und. Gold And Silver. Wo i geh und steh.