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Sacred Songs & Arias for Tenor. Various. Tenor Voice sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music.


Sacred Songs . Various. Tenor Voice sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music.


Sacred Songs & Arias for Tenor. The Ultimate Collection. Composed by Various. For Voice. CD Sheet Music. CD-ROM. Published by CD Sheet Music. HL.220256. ISBN 1423439430. 9x12 inches. This easy-to-navigate CD-ROM for PCs and Macs is perfect for reference, teaching and performance. It contains over 300 printable solos – 1,500 pages of music – for tenor. with piano accompaniment. from oratorio and standard sacred repertory, from all periods and technical levels. The major composers include Bach, Beethoven, Dvorák, Fauré, Franck, Gaul, Gounod, Handel, Haydn, Liszt, Massenet, Mendelssohn, Rossini, Schubert, Stainer, Verdi, and Weber. The helpful alphabetical index by composer and title makes locating a selection easy. Companion CDs are available for soprano, mezzo-soprano. alto, and baritone. bass. Also includes articles on many of the composers from the 1911 edition of Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians. CD Sheet Music. Version 2.0. titles allow you to own a music library that rivals the great collections of the world. Version 2.0 improves upon the earlier edition in a number of important ways, including an invaluable searchable table of contents, biographical excerpts, and faster loading. CD Sheet Music. Version 2.0. titles work on PC and Mac systems. Each page of music is viewable and printable using Adobe Acrobat. Music is formatted for printing on 8.5" x 11" paper. O Lord, Most Holy, Op. 438. Christmas Song. Cantique de Noel. The Lord Is My Light. One Sweetly Solemn Thought. Ave Maria. Ach Gott, wie manche Herzeleid from Sie werden euch in den Bann tun, Cantata No. 44. Ach, schlage doch bald, selge Stunde from Christus, der ist mein Leben, Cantata No. 95. Ach, senke doch den Geist der Freuden dem Herzen ein. from Herr, wie du willt, so schick's mit mir, Cantata No. 73. Ach, ziehe die Seele mit Seilen der Liebe from Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn, Cantata No. 96. Adam muss in uns verwesen from Der Himmel lacht. die Erde jubilieret, Cantata No. 31. Auch die harte Kreuzesreise from Liebster Immanuel, Herzog der Frommen, Cantata No. 123. Auf, Glaubige, singet die lieblichen Lieder from Ein Herz, das seinen Jesum lebend weiss, Cantata No. 134. Benedictus from Mass in B Minor. Bewundert, o Menschen, dies grosse Geheimnis from Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, Cantata No. 62. Bache von gesalznen Zahren from Ich hatte viel Bekummernis, Cantata No. 21. Calmly then I wait my ending from Easter Oratorio. English. Christenkinder, freuet euch from Darzu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes, Cantata No. 40. Darum ich mich im ergebe from Was willst du dich betruben, Cantata No. 107. Das Blut, so meine Schuld durchstreicht from Jesu, der du meine Seele, Cantata No. 78. Deine Gute, dein Erbarmen from Meine Seele ruhmt und preist, Cantata No. 189. Deposuit potentes from Magnificat in D Major. Der du bist dem Vater gleich from Schwingt freudig euch empor, Cantata No. 36. Der Ewigkeit saphirnes Haus from Lass, Furstin, lass noch einen Strahl, Cantata No. 198. Der Glaube ist das Pfand der Liebe from Wer da glaubet und getauft wird, Cantata No. 37. Der schadlichen Dornen unendliche Zahl from Leichtgesinnte Flattergeister, Cantata No. 181. Des Hochsten Gegenwart allein from Hochsterwunschtes Freudenfest, Cantata No. 194. Des Vaters Stimme liess sich horen from Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam, Cantata No. 7. Die Liebe zieht mit sanften Schritten from Schwingt freudig euch empor, Cantata No. 36. Die schaumenden Wellen von Belials Bachen from Jesus schlaft, was soll ich hoffen. , Cantata No. 81. Die Welt kann ihre Lust und Freud from Was frag ich nach der Welt, Cantata No. 94. Durchs Feuer wird das Silber rein from Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein, Cantata No. 2. Eile, Herz, voll Freudigkeit from Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde, Cantata No. 83. Ein geheiligtes Gemute from Erhohtes Fleisch und Blut, Cantata No. 173. Endure. Even lying tongues from St. Matthew Passion. English. Entsetzet euch nicht from Denn du wirst meine Seele nicht in der Holle lassen, Cantata No. 15. Erbarme dich. from Ich armer Mensch, ich Sundenknecht, Cantata No. 55. Erfreue dich, Seele, erfreue dich, Herze from Ich hatte viel Bekummernis, Cantata No. 21. Ergiesse dich reichlich, du gottliche Quelle from Wo soll ich fliehen hin, Cantata No. 5. Erholet euch, betrubte Sinnen from Ihr werdet weinen und heulen, Cantata No. 103. Ermuntre dich. dein Heiland klopft from Schmucke dich, o liebe Seele, Cantata No. 180. Erschrecke doch from Herr, deine Augen sehen nach dem Glauben. , Cantata No. 102. Erschuttre dich nur nicht, verzagte Seele from Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, Cantata No. 99. Erwage, wie sein blutgefarbter from St. John Passion. German. Es dunket mich, ich seh dich kommen from Er rufet seinen Schafen mit Namen, Cantata No. 175. Es reisset euch ein schrecklich Ende from Es reisset euch ein schrecklich Ende, Cantata No. 90. Ewigkeit, du machst mir bange from O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort, Cantata No. 20. Falscher Heuchler Ebenbild from Siehe zu, dass deine Gottesfurcht nicht Heuchelei sei, Cantata No. 179. Frohe Hirten, eilt from Weihnachts Oratorium. German. Geduld, wenn mich falsche Zungen stechen from St. Matthew Passion. German. Geliebter Jesu, du allein from Herr Gott, dich loben wir, Cantata No. 16. Gluck und Segen sind bereit from Erwunschtes Freudenlicht, Cantata No. 184. Gott hat sich hoch gesetzet from Meine Seele ruhmt und preist, Cantata No. 189. Gott hilft gewiss from Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch, Cantata No. 86. Gott ist mein Freund. was hilft das Toben from Wohl dem, der sich auf seinen Gott, Cantata No. 139. Gott, dem der Erden Kreis zu klein from Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, Cantata No. 91. Halleluja, Stark und Macht from Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir, Cantata No. 29. Handle nicht nach deinen Rechten from Nimm von uns Herr, du treuer Gott, Cantata No. 101. Hasse nur, hasse mich recht from Die Himmel erzahlen die Ehre Gottes, Cantata No. 76. Haste, ye shepherds from Christmas Oratorio. English. Hebt euer Haupt empor from Wachet. betet. betet. wachet. , Cantata No. 70. Herr, so weit die Wolken gehen from Gott, wie dein Name, so ist auch dein Ruhm, Cantata No. 171. Hilf, Jesu, hilf, dass ich auch dich bekenne from Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, Cantata No. 147. Ich armer Mensch, ich Sundenknecht from Ich armer Mensch, ich Sundenknecht, Cantata No. 55. Ich eile, die Lehren from Bringet dem Herrn Ehre seines Namens, Cantata No. 148. Ich furchte nicht des Todes Schrecken from Sie werden euch in den Bann tun, Cantata No. 183. Ich habe meine Zuversicht from Ich habe meine Zuversicht, Cantata No. 188. Ich halte meinen Jesum feste from Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn. , Cantata No. 157. Ich hore mitten in den Leiden from Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir, Cantata No. 38. Ich traue seiner Gnaden from In allem meinen Taten, Cantata No. 97. Ich weiss, dass mein Erloser lebt from Ich weiss, dass mein Erloser lebt, Cantata No. 160. Ich will an den Himmel denken from Wo gehest du hin. , Cantata No. 166. Ich will leiden, ich will schweigen from Bisher habt ihr nichts gebeten in meinem Namen, Cantata No. 87. Ich will nur dir zu Ehren leben from Weihnachts Oratorium. German. Ihr Gedanken und ihr Sinnen from Unser Mund sei voll Lachens, Cantata No. 110. Ihr Menschen, ruhmet Gottes Liebe from Ihr Menschen, ruhmet Gottes Liebe, Cantata No. 167. Ihr, die ihr euch von Christo nennet from Ihr, die ihr euch von Christo nennet, Cantata No. 164. Ja tausend mal tausend begleiten den Wagen from Gott fahret auf mit Jauchzen, Cantata No. 43. Jesu, dir sei Dank from Uns ist ein Kind geboren, Cantata No. 142. Jesu, lass durch Wohl und Weh from Himmelskonig, sei willkommen, Cantata No. 182. Jesu, lass uns auf dich sehen from Bleib bei uns, denn es will Abend werden, Cantata No. 6. Jesu, meines Todes Tod from O heilges Geist- und Wasserbad, Cantata No. 165. Jesu, Retter deiner Herde from Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele, Cantata No. 143. Jesus Christus, Gottes Sohn from Christ lag in Todesbanden, Cantata No. 4. Jesus ist der Menschen Heil from Das ist je gewisslich wahr, Cantata No. 141. Jesus nimmt die Sunder an from Herr Jesu Christ, du hochstes Gut, Cantata No. 113. Kann ich nur Jesum mir zum Freunde machen from Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht mit deinem Knecht, Cantata No. 105. Kapital und Interessen from Tue Rechnung. Donnerwort, Cantata No. 168. Komm, Jesu, komm zu deiner Kirche from Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, Cantata No. 61. Kommt, eilet, stimmet Sait und Lieder from Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten, Cantata No. 74. Lass mich kein Lust noch Furcht von dir from Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, Cantata No. 177. Lass, o Furst der Cherubinen from Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir, Cantata No. 130. Lobe den Herren, was in mir ist lobe den Namen. from Lobe den Herren, den machtigen Konig der Ehren, Cantata No. 137. Man halte nur ein wenig stille from Wer nur den lieben Gott lasst walten, Cantata No. 93. Mein alles in allem, mein ewiges Gut from Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwolfe, Cantata No. 22. Mein Heiland lasst sich merken from argre dich, o Seele, nicht, Cantata No. 186. Mein Herz, in dem die ganze Welt from St. John Passion. German. Mein Jesus ist erstanden from Halt im Gedachtnis Jesum Christ, Cantata No. 67. Mein Jesus soll mein alles sein. from Die Elenden sollen essen, Cantata No. 75. Mein liebster Jesus ist verloren from Mein liebster Jesus ist verloren, Cantata No. 154. Mein Verlangen from Komm, du susse Todesstunde, Cantata No. 161. Meine Seele ruhmt und preist from Meine Seele ruhmt und preist, Cantata No. 189. Meine Seufzer, meine Tranen from Meine Seufzer, meine Tranen, Cantata No. 13. Mich kann kein Zweifel storen from Es ist euch gut, dass ich hingehe, Cantata No. 108. My Heart Ever Faithful from Sacred Songs. Henderson. Vol. I. Nein, Gott ist allezeit geflissen from Siehe, ich will viel Fischer aussenden, Cantata No. 88. Nimm mich dir zu eigen hin from Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen, Cantata No. 65. Nun mogt ihr stolzen Feinde from Weihnachts Oratorium. German. Nun, ich halte mich bereit from Ich weiss, dass mein Erloser lebt, Cantata No. 160. Nur jedem das Seine. from Nur jedem das Seine. , Cantata No. 163. O du von Gott erhohte Kreatur from Christum wir sollen loben schon, Cantata No. 121. O Seelenparadies from Erschallet, ihr Lieder, erklinget, ihr Saiten. , Cantata No. 172. Qui tollis peccata mundi from Mass in G Minor. Quoniam tu solus sanctus from Mass in G Major. Schweig, schweig nur, taumelnde Vernunft. from Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns halt, Cantata No. 178. Seht, seht. wie reisst, wie bricht, wie fallt from Ich hab in Gottes Herz und Sinn, Cantata No. 92. Seht, was die Liebe tut from Ich bin ein guter Hirt, Cantata No. 85. Sei getreu, alle Pein from Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen, Cantata No. 12. Sende deine Macht von oben from Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort, Cantata No. 126. Sie stellen uns wie Ketzern nach from Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns halt, Cantata No. 178. So schnell ein rauschend Wasser schiesst from Ach wie fluchtig, ach wie nichtig, Cantata No. 26. Sturmt nur, sturmt, ihr Trubsalswetter from Schau, lieber Gott, wie meine Feind, Cantata No. 153. Tausendfaches Ungluck, Schrecken from Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele, Cantata No. 143. Tis thee I would be praising from Christmas Oratorio. English. Treu und Wahrheit sei der Grund from Ein ungefarbt Gemute, Cantata No. 24. Troste mir, Jesu, mein Gemute from Ach Herr, mich armen Sunder, Cantata No. 135. Und wenn der harte Todesschlag from Meinen Jesum lass ich nicht, Cantata No. 124. Und wenn die Welt voll Teufel war from Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, Cantata No. 80. Verbirgt mein Hirte sich zu lange from Du Hirte Israel, hore, Cantata No. 104. Vergibt mir Jesus meine Sunden from Ich elender Mensch, wer wird mich erlosen, Cantata No. 48. Was ist der schnode Mensch, das Erdenkind from Es erhub sich ein Streit, Cantata No. 19. Was unser Gott geschaffen hat from Sei Lob und Ehr dem hochsten Gut, Cantata No. 117. Was willst du dich, mein Geist, entsetzen from Liebster Gott, wenn werd ich sterben. , Cantata No. 8. Weiss ich Gottes Rechte from Es ist dir gesagt, Mensch, was gut ist, Cantata No. 45. Welch ubermass der Gute from Wer Dank opfert, der preiset mich, Cantata No. 17. Wenn auch gleich aus der Hollen from Was willst du dich betruben, Cantata No. 107. Wie zweifelhaftig ist mein Hoffen from Ich glaube, lieber Herr, hilf meinem Unglauben. , Cantata No. 109. Wir waren schon zu tief gesunken from Es ist das Heil uns kommen her, Cantata No. 9. Wo wird in diesem Jammertale from Ach, lieben Christen, seid getrost, Cantata No. 114. Woferne du den edlen Frieden from Jesu, nun sei gepreiset, Cantata No. 41. Wohl dir, du Volk der Linden from Preise, Jerusalem, den Herrn, Cantata No. 119. Ye foes of man from Christmas Oratorio. English. Zion hort die Wachter singen from Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Cantata No. 140. The Soft Southern Breeze. Rebekah. Come Unto Me. The Good Shepherd. O Lord, Be Merciful. The Voice That Breathed O'er Eden. A Song of Penitence. Busslied. An die Hoffnung, Op. 32. Meine Seele ist erschutert from Christus Am olberge. The Mount of Olives. , Op. 85. Oh, My Heart Is Sore Within Me. A Wondrous Change My Spirit Doth Surprise. He Giveth His Beloved Sleep. His Salvation Is Nigh That Fear Him. Agnus Dei. Bunte, reichgeschmuckte from Rinaldo. Mit der Turteltanbe from Rinaldo. Stelle her die gold'nen Tage from Rinaldo. Thou Only Canst Give Peace. Hymnus. Fear Not Ye, O Israel. Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts. I Will Extol Thee, Lord. How Excellent Is Thy Loving Kindness. Ruth. The Children's Home. With Thee There Is Forgiveness. Crossing The Bar. How Beautiful Are Thy Dwellings. Moses. An den Wassern zu Babylon. Du bist, o Herr, mein Schirm und Schild. Gott erhore mein Gebet. Gott ist mein Hirte. Herr. Nun sing' ich Dir ein neues Lied. Hore Gott, mein Flehen. Ich hebe meine Augen auf den Bergen. Mir traumt', dass du gestorben bist. Singet ein neus Lied. Um in her ist Wolken und Dunkel. Wende Dich zu mir. I can no more from The Dream of Gerontius. Jesu, Maria from The Dream of Gerontius. Novissima hora est from The Dream of Gerontius. Sanctus fortis from The Dream of Gerontius. Take me away from The Dream of Gerontius. Charity. In Dreams I've Heard The Angels. Sancta Maria. Crucifix. The Palms. Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God. Panis angelicus from Solemn Mass. Ascribe Unto The Lord. The Ten Virgins. My Soul Is Athirst For God. Sun of My Soul. These Are They Which Came. To the Lord our God from The Holy City. O Saviour, Hear Me. O Come Hither, And Hearken. Adore and Quiet Be. Le ciel a visite la terre. Father, Thine Arms About Me Throw. Glory To Thee, My God, This Night. O Divine Redeemer. Repentir. Power and Love. The Cross of Calvary. The Peace of God. There Is a Green Hill Far Way. Hosanna. A Dream Of Paradise. Behold, and see if there be any sorrow from Messiah. But God, who hears the suff'ring por'r from Chandos Anthem No. 2. But thou didst not leave His soul in hell from Messiah. Comfort Ye, My People. Ev'ry Valley. Descend, kind pity from Theodora. Dread not, righteous Queen from Esther. Ev'ry day will I give thanks unto thee from Chandos Anthem No. 5a. For this our truest int'rst from Chandos Anthem No. 9. From Celestial Seats Descending. From virtue springs each gen'rous deed from Theodora. Gentle Airs, Melodious Strains. God is very greatly to be feared from Chandos Anthem No. 7. Golden columns, fair and bright from Solomon. How vain is man from Judas Maccabaeus. Jehovah. To My Words Give Ear. O come let us worship and fall down from Chandos Anthem No. 8. One thing have I desired of the Lord from Chandos Anthem No. 10. Sacred raptures cheer my breast from Solomon. Sing songs of praise from Esther. Sing unto the Lord and praise his name from Chandos Anthem No. 4a. Sound An Alarm. The Lord is my strength and my shield from Chandos Anthem No. 10. The Lord preserveth all them that love him from Chandos Anthem No. 5a. The Lord preserveth the souls of the saints from Chandos Anthem No. 8. The righteous Lord will righteous deeds from Chandos Anthem No. 2. The Soft Complaining Flute. The waves of the sea rage horribly from Chandos Anthem No. 4. Thou shalt break them. Total Eclipse. Tune your harps from Esther. Virtue my soul shall still embrace from Jephtha. Waft Her, Angels Thro' The Skies. Why Does The God Of Israel Sleep. Ye Verdant Hills. Light Of The World. Auf starkem Fittige from The Creation. Die Schopfung. Dem Druck erlieget die Natur from The Seasons. Die Jahreszeiten. Fac me cruce sublevari from Stabat Mater. Hier steht der Wandrer nun from The Seasons. Die Jahreszeiten. In Native Worth and Honor Clad. Mit Wurd und Hoheit from The Creation. Die Schopfung. The Trav'ler Stands Perplexed. Vidit suum dulcem natum from Stabat Mater. When I Think Upon Thy Goodness. Be Near Me Still. Lord, Of My Inmost Heart's Recesses. Yes, Thou Wilt Yet Remember. Arioso, from the 100th Psalm. In My Father's House Are Many Mansions. I'm A Pilgrim. Vater Unser. The Lord's Prayer. Come Unto Him. The Lord Is My Shepherd. Prayer. Be thou faithful unto death from Saint Paul. He counteth all your sorrows. Hear My Prayer. If with all your hearts from Elijah. Saget es from Lobgesang. Hymn of Praise. Sing ye praise from Hymn of Praise. Lobgesang. Strikke des Todes from Lobgesang. Hymn of Praise. The sorrows of death from Hymn of Praise. Lobgesang. Then shall the righteous shine forth. This Is The Day. Blessed Is He That Cometh. Salve Maria. When To The Lily Fair. Pour Out Thy Heart Before The Lord. Lord, We Pray Thee. Spirit Of God. The Birthday of a King. Jerusalem. I Will Bear The Indignation of God. Ora pro nobis. Lead, Kindly Light. The Land Beyond. I Live, My Heart Is Beating. Save Me, O God. Lovely and Sweet As The Rose in the Vail. Jeptha. Calvary. Sion. Domine Deus from Petite Messe Solennelle. Thou, O Lord, Art My Protector. He That Keepeth Israel. Schenk mir deinen goldenen Kamm. Ach, was hatten wir from Stabat Mater. Litanei. Allerseelen. Litany for the Feast of All Souls. God Is A Spirit. Evening And Morning. Remember, Lord. King ever glorious. from The Crucifixion. My Hope Is In The Everlasting. I Sought The Lord, Op. 76. Light, Op. 58. Come, Ye Children. My Redeemer And My Lord. Refrain Thy Voice From Weeping. The Lord Is Risen. The Light of the World. When With Doubting and Dreading. Jesus, Lover of My Soul. The Penitent. The Publican. Ingemisco from Requiem. Babylon. Happy Nation, Still Receiving Gifts. At Rest. Schlafendes Jesuskind. Consider and Hear Me.


Sacred Songs . The Ultimate Collection. Composed by Various. For Voice. CD Sheet Music. CD-ROM. Published by CD Sheet Music. HL.220256. ISBN 1423439430. 9x12 inches. This easy-to-navigate CD-ROM for PCs and Macs is perfect for reference, teaching and performance. It contains over 300 printable solos – 1,500 pages of music – for tenor. with piano accompaniment. from oratorio and standard sacred repertory, from all periods and technical levels. The major composers include Bach, Beethoven, Dvorák, Fauré, Franck, Gaul, Gounod, Handel, Haydn, Liszt, Massenet, Mendelssohn, Rossini, Schubert, Stainer, Verdi, and Weber. The helpful alphabetical index by composer and title makes locating a selection easy. Companion CDs are available for soprano, mezzo-soprano. alto, and baritone. bass. Also includes articles on many of the composers from the 1911 edition of Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians. CD Sheet Music. Version 2.0. titles allow you to own a music library that rivals the great collections of the world. Version 2.0 improves upon the earlier edition in a number of important ways, including an invaluable searchable table of contents, biographical excerpts, and faster loading. CD Sheet Music. Version 2.0. titles work on PC and Mac systems. Each page of music is viewable and printable using Adobe Acrobat. Music is formatted for printing on 8.5" x 11" paper. O Lord, Most Holy, Op. 438. Christmas Song. Cantique de Noel. The Lord Is My Light. One Sweetly Solemn Thought. Ave Maria. Oh God, as some heartache from They will put you out of the synagogue, Cantata No.. 44. Ah, but soon propose, blissful hour from Christ, who is my life, Cantata No.. 95. Ah, but the spirit of the valley delights the heart of a. from Herr, wie du willt, so schick's mit mir, Cantata No. 73. Oh, pull the soul with ropes of love from Lord Christ, the Son of God is, Cantata No.. 96. Adam needs to rot in us from Heaven laughs. jubilieret die Erde, Cantata No. 31. The hard cross travel from Dearest Immanuel, Duke of the pious, Cantata No.. 123. On, Believer, sing the lovely songs from a heart that knows his Jesus alive, Cantata No.. 134. Benedictus from Mass in B Minor. Admired, O people, from this great mystery Come on, der Heiden Heiland, Cantata No.. 62. Bache from gesalznen of Zahren I had a lot Bekummernis, Cantata No.. 21. Calmly then I wait my ending from Easter Oratorio. English. Christian children, rejoice from Darzu the Son of God, Cantata No.. 40. That's why I give myself im from What do you want betruben you, Cantata No.. 107. The blood, so my guilt by stroking from Jesus, thou my soul, Cantata No.. 78. Your good, your mercy from My soul boasts of and praises, Cantata No.. 189. Deposuit potentes from Magnificat in D Major. Thou who art equal to the Father from Swing joyfully up to you, Cantata No.. 36. The Eternity saphirnes house from Lass, Furstin, nor let a beam, Cantata No.. 198. Faith is the pledge of love from Who is he that believeth and is baptized, Cantata No.. 37. The harmful thorns infinite number from Leichtgesinnte Flattergeister, Cantata No.. 181. Of the Highest presence alone from Hochsterwunschtes rejoicing, Cantata No.. 194. The Father's voice let himself hear from Christ our Lord came to the Jordan, Cantata No.. 7. Love moves with gentle steps from Swing joyfully up to you, Cantata No.. 36. The foaming waves of Belial females from Jesus sleeps, what hope. , Cantata No. 81. The world can their pleasure and joy from what I ask of the world, Cantata No.. 94. Through the fire, the silver is pure from O God, from heaven look into it, Cantata No.. 2. Haste, heart, full of joy from Pleased time in the new covenant, Cantata No.. 83. A sacred Gemute from numbness or tingly flesh and blood, Cantata No.. 173. Endure. Even lying tongues from St. Matthew Passion. English. Dread let you not from For you will not leave my soul in hell, Cantata No.. 15. Have mercy. from I, poor man, I Sundenknecht, Cantata No.. 55. Rejoice, soul, best, enjoy, from heart I had a lot Bekummernis, Cantata No.. 21. Empty yourself ample, you divine source from where shall I flee out Cantata No.. 5. Erholet you betrubte senses from ye shall weep and lament, Cantata No.. 103. Ermuntre dich. thy Saviour knocks from Jewelry thee, O dear soul, Cantata No.. 180. Scare but from Lord, your eyes shall be upon the belief. , Cantata No. 102. Not only Erschuttre you, despondent soul from What God does is well done, Cantata No.. 99. Erwage how his blutgefarbter from St. John Passion. German. It dunket me, I see you coming from, he calleth his sheep by name, Cantata No.. 175. It, Break you a terrible end from It, Break you a terrible end, Cantata No.. 90. Eternity, you're making me anxious from O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort, Cantata No.. 20. Wrong hypocrites image from See that your fear of God is not hypocrisy, Cantata No.. 179. Merry shepherd hurries from Christmas Oratorio. German. Patience when me false tongues sting from St. Matthew Passion. German. Beloved Jesus, you alone from God, we praise Thee, Cantata No.. 16. Gluck and blessings are prepared from Erwunschtes Joy Light, Cantata No.. 184. God has gesetzet high from My soul boasts of and praises, Cantata No.. 189. God certainly helps from Verily, verily, I say unto you, Cantata No.. 86. God is my friend. what helps the roar from Blessed is the man to his God, Cantata No.. 139. God, the earth circle too small from Blessed art thou, O Jesus Christ, Cantata No.. 91. Hallelujah, Stark and power from We thank you, God, we thank thee, Cantata No.. 29. Handle not from thy statutes Take from us, Lord, faithful God, Cantata No.. 101. Hasse just hate myself right from the heavens tell the glory of God, Cantata No.. 76. Haste, ye shepherds from Christmas Oratorio. English. Lift up your heads from Awake. pray. pray. wachet. , Cantata No. 70. Sir, as far as the clouds from God as your name, so is thy praise, Cantata No.. 171. Help, Jesus, grant that I confess to thee also from Heart and Mouth and Deed and Life, Cantata No.. 147. I, poor man, I Sundenknecht from I, poor man, I Sundenknecht, Cantata No.. 55. I hurry, the lessons from Bring to the Lord glory of his name, Cantata No.. 148. I am not afraid of death from fright They will put you out of the synagogue, Cantata No.. 183. I have my confidence from I have put my trust, Cantata No.. 188. I hold my Jesus firmly from I will not let thee go except thou bless me because. , Cantata No. 157. I hear in the midst of suffering from Out of the depths I cry to Thee, Cantata No.. 38. I do not trust his grace from In all my deeds, Cantata No.. 97. I know that my Redeemer lives from I know that my Redeemer lives, Cantata No.. 160. I want to think of the sky from Where goest thou back. , Cantata No. 166. I want to suffer, I want to mention from Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name, Cantata No.. 87. I just want you to honor life from Christmas Oratorio. German. Your thoughts and senses from our mouth filled with laughter, Cantata No.. 110. Your people ruhmet God's love from your people, ruhmet God's love, Cantata No.. 167. You, who are you. Christo from calleth you, who do you call yourselves from Christ, Cantata No. 164. Yes a thousand times a thousand accompany the car from God Fahret up with a shout, Cantata No.. 43. Jesus, thank you from us a child is born, Cantata No.. 142. Jesus, let through weal and woe from Himmelskonig, was welcome, Cantata No.. 182. Jesus, let us see you from Stay with us, for it is toward evening, Cantata No.. 6. Jesus my death death from O heilges spirit and water, Cantata No.. 165. Jesu, Retter deiner Herde from Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele, Cantata No. 143. Jesus Christus, Gottes Sohn from Christ lag in Todesbanden, Cantata No. 4. Jesus is healing people from That's certainly true ever, Cantata No.. 141. Jesus takes the Sunder on from Lord Jesus Christ, you hochstes Well, Cantata No.. 113. Can I just make Jesus my friends from the Lord, not into judgment with thy servant, Cantata No.. 105. Capital and interests from Tue account. Donnerwort, Cantata No. 168. Come, Jesus, come to your church from Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, Cantata No.. 61. Come, hasten stimmet Sait and songs from He who loves me will keep my word, Cantata No.. 74. Let me not desire nor fear of you from I call to you, Lord Jesus Christ, Cantata No.. 177. Let o Furst of cherubs from God, we praise you all, Cantata No.. 130. Praise to the Lord, that is within me praise the name. from Praise to the Lord, the mighty King of Glory, Cantata No.. 137. You think just a little quiet from who exercise only the good Lord let, Cantata No.. 93. My all in all, my eternal good from Jesus took with him the Zwolfe, Cantata No.. 22. My Savior let's remember from argre thee, O soul, not, Cantata No.. 186. My heart, in which the whole world from St. John Passion. German. My Jesus is risen from maintenance in Gedachtnis Jesus Christ, Cantata No.. 67. My Jesus supposed to be my everything. from The meek shall eat and Cantata No.. 75. My dearest Jesus is lost from My dearest Jesus is lost, Cantata No.. 154. My desire from Come, you susse hour of death, Cantata No.. 161. My soul boasts of and praises from My soul boasts of and praises, Cantata No.. 189. My sighs, my tears from My sighs, my tears, Cantata No.. 13. Me can be no doubt disturb from It is expedient for you that I go, Cantata No.. 108. My Heart Ever Faithful from Sacred Songs. Henderson. Vol. I. No, God is always geflissen from Behold, I will send for many fishermen, Cantata No.. 88. Take me back from thee to own all they from Sheba shall come: Cantata No.. 65. Now mogt their proud enemies from Christmas Oratorio. German. Well, I consider myself prepared from I know that my Redeemer lives, Cantata No.. 160. Only to each his own. Only from each his own. , Cantata No. 163. O thou of God from Christ Increased creature praise we, Cantata No.. 121. O soul from paradise Erschallet, her songs, erklinget, her strings. , Cantata No. 172. Here tollis sins mundi from Mass in G Minor. Quoniam tu solus sanctus from Mass in G Major. Be silent, be silent only, tumbling reason. from Where God the Lord does not stop with us, Cantata No.. 178. See, see. like tears, like breaks, such as falls from I in God's heart and mind, Cantata No.. 92. See what love does from I am a good shepherd, Cantata No.. 85. Be faithful, all suffering from weeping, wailing, Fearing, Hesitating, Cantata No.. 12. Post your power from above from receiving us, Lord, in Thy Word, Cantata No.. 126. Do not make us as heretics from where the Lord God with us halt, Cantata No.. 178. As fast as the sound of a water shoots from Oh how fleeting, oh how insubstantial Cantata No.. 26. Tempest only, Tempest, her Trubsalswetter from Look, dear God, as my enemy, Cantata No.. 153. Thousand times misfortune, horror from Bless the Lord, O my soul, Cantata No.. 143. Tis thee I would be praising from Christmas Oratorio. English. Trust and truth is the reason from A ungefarbt Gemute, Cantata No.. 24. Consolation to me, Jesus, my Gemute from O Lord, me, a poor sinner, Cantata No.. 135. And when the hard death blow from my Jesus I'll not leave, Cantata No.. 124. And if the world was full of devils from A Mighty Fortress is our God, Cantata No.. 80. Hides my shepherd too long from Shepherd of Israel, hore, Cantata No.. 104. Forgive me my sins from Jesus I wretched man, who is Erlosen me, Cantata No.. 48. What is the schnode man, the child of earth from it was war, Cantata No.. 19. What our God has created from Be praise and honor the highest Good, Cantata No.. 117. What wilt thou, my mind, shocking from Dearest God, when I die. , Cantata No. 8. I know God's rights from He has showed you, O man, what is good, Cantata No.. 45. What about the mass from Good Whoever offers praise glorifies me, Cantata No.. 17. Although regardless of the Hollen What do you want from betruben you, Cantata No.. 107. How zweifelhaftig is my hope from I believe, dear Lord, help my unbelief. , Cantata No. 109. We were already sunk too deep from it is our salvation come from, Cantata No.. 9. Where is this from Jammertale Oh, dear Christians, be of good cheer, Cantata No.. 114. Woferne you the noble peace from Jesus, now is glorified, Cantata No.. 41. Wohl dir, du Volk der Linden from Preise, Jerusalem, den Herrn, Cantata No. 119. Ye foes of man from Christmas Oratorio. English. Zion hort Wachter sing from Awake, the voice calls us, Cantata No.. 140. The Soft Southern Breeze. Rebekah. Come Unto Me. The Good Shepherd. O Lord, Be Merciful. The Voice That Breathed O'er Eden. A Song of Penitence. Busslied. An die Hoffnung, Op. 32. My soul is erschutert from Christ On olberge. The Mount of Olives. , Op. 85. Oh, My Heart Is Sore Within Me. A Wondrous Change My Spirit Doth Surprise. He Giveth His Beloved Sleep. His Salvation Is Nigh That Fear Him. Agnus Dei. Colorful, reichgeschmuckte from Rinaldo. Mit der Turteltanbe from Rinaldo. Point establishes the gold'nen days from Rinaldo. Thou Only Canst Give Peace. Hymnus. Fear Not Ye, O Israel. Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts. I Will Extol Thee, Lord. How Excellent Is Thy Loving Kindness. Ruth. The Children's Home. With Thee There Is Forgiveness. Crossing The Bar. How Beautiful Are Thy Dwellings. Moses. By the rivers of Babylon. Thou, O Lord, my shield and buckler. God erhore my prayer. God is my shepherd. Mr.. Now I sing you a new song. Hore Gott, mein Flehen. I raise my eyes to the mountains. I have dreamed 'that you died. Sing a song neus. To her is in clouds and darkness. Turn you to me. I can no more from The Dream of Gerontius. Jesu, Maria from The Dream of Gerontius. Novissima hora est from The Dream of Gerontius. Sanctus fortis from The Dream of Gerontius. Take me away from The Dream of Gerontius. Charity. In Dreams I've Heard The Angels. Sancta Maria. Crucifix. The Palms. Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God. Panis angelicus from Solemn Mass. Ascribe Unto The Lord. The Ten Virgins. My Soul Is Athirst For God. Sun of My Soul. These Are They Which Came. To the Lord our God from The Holy City. O Saviour, Hear Me. O Come Hither, And Hearken. Adore and Quiet Be. The sky visit earth. Father, Thine Arms About Me Throw. Glory To Thee, My God, This Night. O Divine Redeemer. Repentance. Power and Love. The Cross of Calvary. The Peace of God. There Is a Green Hill Far Way. Hosanna. A Dream Of Paradise. Behold, and see if there be any sorrow from Messiah. But God, who hears the suff'ring por'r from Chandos Anthem No. 2. But thou didst not leave His soul in hell from Messiah. Comfort Ye, My People. Ev'ry Valley. Descend, kind pity from Theodora. Dread not, righteous Queen from Esther. Ev'ry day will I give thanks unto thee from Chandos Anthem No. 5a. For this our truest int'rst from Chandos Anthem No. 9. From Celestial Seats Descending. From virtue springs each gen'rous deed from Theodora. Gentle Airs, Melodious Strains. God is very greatly to be feared from Chandos Anthem No. 7. Golden columns, fair and bright from Solomon. How vain is man from Judas Maccabaeus. Jehovah. To My Words Give Ear. O come let us worship and fall down from Chandos Anthem No. 8. One thing have I desired of the Lord from Chandos Anthem No. 10. Sacred raptures cheer my breast from Solomon. Sing songs of praise from Esther. Sing unto the Lord and praise his name from Chandos Anthem No. 4a. Sound An Alarm. The Lord is my strength and my shield from Chandos Anthem No. 10. The Lord preserveth all them that love him from Chandos Anthem No. 5a. The Lord preserveth the souls of the saints from Chandos Anthem No. 8. The righteous Lord will righteous deeds from Chandos Anthem No. 2. The Soft Complaining Flute. The waves of the sea rage horribly from Chandos Anthem No. 4. Thou shalt break them. Total Eclipse. Tune your harps from Esther. Virtue my soul shall still embrace from Jephtha. Waft Her, Angels Thro' The Skies. Why Does The God Of Israel Sleep. Ye Verdant Hills. Light Of The World. Auf starkem Fittige from The Creation. The Schopfung. Dem Druck erlieget die Natur from The Seasons. The Seasons. Fac me cruce sublevari from Stabat Mater. Hier steht der Wandrer nun from The Seasons. The Seasons. In Native Worth and Honor Clad. Mit Wurd und Hoheit from The Creation. The Schopfung. The Trav'ler Stands Perplexed. Vidit suum dulcem natum from Stabat Mater. When I Think Upon Thy Goodness. Be Near Me Still. Lord, Of My Inmost Heart's Recesses. Yes, Thou Wilt Yet Remember. Arioso, from the 100th Psalm. In My Father's House Are Many Mansions. I'm A Pilgrim. Lord's prayer. The Lord's Prayer. Come Unto Him. The Lord Is My Shepherd. Prayer. Be thou faithful unto death from Saint Paul. He counteth all your sorrows. Hear My Prayer. If with all your hearts from Elijah. Saget es from Lobgesang. Hymn of Praise. Sing ye praise from Hymn of Praise. Lobgesang. Strikke des Todes from Lobgesang. Hymn of Praise. The sorrows of death from Hymn of Praise. Lobgesang. Then shall the righteous shine forth. This Is The Day. Blessed Is He That Cometh. Salve Maria. When To The Lily Fair. Pour Out Thy Heart Before The Lord. Lord, We Pray Thee. Spirit Of God. The Birthday of a King. Jerusalem. I Will Bear The Indignation of God. Ora pro nobis. Lead, Kindly Light. The Land Beyond. I Live, My Heart Is Beating. Save Me, O God. Lovely and Sweet As The Rose in the Vail. Jeptha. Calvary. Sion. Domine Deus from Little Solemn Mass. Thou, O Lord, Art My Protector. He That Keepeth Israel. Give me your golden comb. Ach, was hatten wir from Stabat Mater. Litanei. Allerseelen. Litany for the Feast of All Souls. God Is A Spirit. Evening And Morning. Remember, Lord. King ever glorious. from The Crucifixion. My Hope Is In The Everlasting. I Sought The Lord, Op. 76. Light, Op. 58. Come, Ye Children. My Redeemer And My Lord. Refrain Thy Voice From Weeping. The Lord Is Risen. The Light of the World. When With Doubting and Dreading. Jesus, Lover of My Soul. The Penitent. The Publican. Ingemisco from Requiem. Babylon. Happy Nation, Still Receiving Gifts. At Rest. Sleeping Christ Child. Consider and Hear Me.