Translation: The Three Degrees. When will I see you again. Leon Huff , Kenneth Gamble.
Translation: The Three Degrees. Leon Huff , Kenneth Gamble. Alfred Publishing Co.. Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Translation: When Will I See You Again composed by Kenneth Gamble and Leon Huff. Arranged by Greg Gilpin.
Translation: Now you can get the most popular jazz fake book of all time on CD-ROM. Beyond the Sea. Fly Me to the Moon.
Translation: they include all 400 fantastic songs found in the 9 x 12 versions. I Remember You. I Thought About You.
Translation: The Real Books are the best-selling jazz books of all time. Fly Me to the Moon. I Remember You.
Translation: I Wished on the Moon. The Shadow of Your Smile. When Sunny Gets Blue. If I Should Lose You.
Translation: Cast Your Fate to the Wind. The Flintstones. How Deep the Ocean. I Mean You.
Translation: If I Should Lose You. Don't You Know I Care. Or Don't You Care To Know. Love You Madly.
Translation: My home country. All my thoughts that I. When I was a young journeyman. When we were Jungst in Regensburg.