Translation: from The Kings - ACT 2. from The Kings - ACT 2. the one rich, and the other poor.
Translation: Paul, Ananias, Scorn, Doc, Michael and Bobby with roles for the choir as well. Pity The Man. Choir sheet music.
Translation: In The Midnight Hour. The Dock Of The Bay. The Tears Of A Clown. The Thrill is Gone.
Translation: Paul, Ananias, Scorn, Doc, Michael and Bobby with roles for the choir as well. Pity The Man. Intermediate.
Translation: The Sidewalks of New York. Break The News To Mother. A Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight. The Streets Of Cairo.
Translation: Britten worked with his librettist, Patrick Wilkinson, to create a dramatic scena around the parable of the Good Samaritan.
Translation: In the Midnight Hour. Dark End Of The Street,The. I Can't Stand The Rain. Do Right Woman Do Right Man.
Translation: Nearly 60 more classics from the '40s, including. For Every Man There's A Woman. The Hucklebuck.
Translation: The selections can be sung by any quartet or 4 part chorus, male or mixed. She Is More To Be Pitied Than Censured.
Translation: The Golden Apple. The Best Things in Life Are Free. Into the Woods. Progress Is the Root of All Evil.
Translation: The Women of R. The Women of R. 37 songs from the top women in R. Dancing in the Street.
Translation: George Gershwin. Electric Guitar sheet music. Hal Leonard Solo Guitar Library. Composed by George Gershwin.
Translation: Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. Greatest Hits by Otis Redding.
Translation: E-Z Play Today is the shortest distance between beginning music and playing fun. Dancing In The Street.
Translation: R. On the heels of the success of Guitar Recorded Versions, Hal Leonard introduced Bass Recorded Versions.
Translation: Against the Wind. Let the Sunshine In. What the World Needs Now. ” Also features photos from the film.
Translation: Roots Of Soul - 60s . Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay. When a Man Loves a Woman. I Can't Stand The Rain.
Translation: In the Midnight Hour. The Dock of the Bay. Walkin' The Dog. Take Me To The River. Mr. Pitiful.