Translation: Afghan Whigs. Gentlemen (album).
Translation: Afghan Whigs. 66.
Translation: Afghan Whigs. Be Sweet Solo.
Translation: Afghan Whigs. Be Sweet.
Translation: Afghan Whigs. Blame Etc.
Translation: Afghan Whigs. Into The Light.
Translation: Afghan Whigs. Miles Iz Ded.
Translation: Afghan Whigs. My Curse.
Translation: Afghan Whigs. My Enemy.
Translation: Afghan Whigs. Now You Know.
Translation: Afghan Whigs. Summers Kiss.
Translation: Afghan Whigs. What Jail Is Like.
Translation: The Whigs. Dont Talk Anymore.
Translation: Whigs. Give Em All A Big Fat Lip.
Translation: Whigs. I Never Want To Go Home.
Translation: Whigs. Like A Vibration Tab.
Translation: Afghan Whigs. Amphetamines And Coffee.