Translation: """Ionian Jig"" is a fun, light-hearted dance in the style of an Irish jig. ""Duets on the Mode"".
Translation: This duet is the sixth in the set of piano duets. ""Duets on the Mode"".
Translation: ""Duets on the Mode"". The duets may be sold individually or as a set. There are eight duets in the set.
Translation: This duet is the fourth in the set of piano duets. ""Duets on the Mode"".
Translation: """Locrian Dreamcatcher"" is mystical and enchanting, making use of the unusual sounds of this mode. ""Duets on the Mode"".
Translation: the opening mimics the fiddler setting up the dancers. ""Duets on the Mode"".
Translation: """Mixolydian Romp"" is a fun duet with dueling parts between Primo and Secondo, in perpetual motion. ""Duets on the Mode"".
Translation: Written collaboratively with elementary students, the styles are as eclectic and vibrant as a roomful of children.
Translation: Can you feel the love tonight. The Virginia Company. Just Around The Riverbend. Colors Of The Wind.
Translation: Out of Thin Air. Strange Things. The Virginia Company. Can you feel the love tonight.