Translation: Published by World Library Publications. With eight verses, it will easily fit the Communion rite for your community.
Translation: I Will Survive. The Closer I Get To You. After The Love Has Gone. After The Lovin'.
Translation: Puff the Magic Dragon. In the Name of Love. I'm Into Something Good. The Name Game. I'm Sorry.
Translation: My work is only a natural continuation with examples from more recent repertoire.
Translation: Designed for those who have a natural love and yearning to sing gospel songs in the church and home.
Translation: All Around The World. Arms Around The World. As the Deer. Blessed Be the Lord God Almighty.
Translation: - Amens - America The Beautiful - And Can It Be. Alphabetical index of titles.
Translation: - Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation - Christ Returneth. Alphabetical index of titles. The Lord Is King.
Translation: Where The Boys Are. I'm Into Something Good. I Will Follow Him. I Will Follow You.
Translation: A Natural Woman. Ribbon in the Sky. You Are the Sunshine of My Life. I'd Do Anything For Love.
Translation: The great Baroque master composer Johann Sebastian Bach. wrote music for every combination of instruments and voices.
Translation: At Claire of the Moon. The Can-Can. The Cuckoo. The Donkey. The Entertainer.
Translation: Dust in the Wind. Here Comes the Sun. Me and Julio down by the School Yard. The Sound of Silence.
Translation: Brahms, Schubert. This CD-ROM contains the vocal scores to 38 major works from the choral.
Translation: Sacred Songs . It contains over 300 printable solos – 1,500 pages of music – for tenor. The Lord Is My Light.
Translation: Alone Again Naturally. Bennie and the Jets. Da Ya Think I'm Sexy. Dust in the Wind. Smoke on the Water.