Translation: Ford, Thomas.
Translation: George William Stiles. Anthony Drewe. Alfred Publishing Co.. 10. English. 1-84328-244-5. Solero. Plan.
Translation: Easy Piano sheet music. 200 Songs for All Occasions. Composed by Various. For Piano. Keyboard.
Translation: Plan. Chords. Composed by Anthony Drewe, music by George Stiles.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Translation: Mrs. Hogan's Goose Jig. Paddy Handly's Goose Reel. Fiddle sheet music. Violin sheet music. Perfect binding, SongBook.
Translation: Hummingbird Reel, Aka Chasing The Devil Around A S. Wild John. The Flight Of The Wild Geese.
Translation: We make music. There sat a small wild Vogelein. Small chasing. What did the goose 'for dresses. We make music.
Translation: Animal World - Family Package. There sat a small wild Vogelein. Small chasing. What did the goose 'for dresses.