Translation: Continuous. Thus, from God's glory and throne. Now come, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 62. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: Thus, from God's glory and throne. Now come, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 62.
Translation: Diaz Alejandro.
Translation: Before thy throne tret 'I, BWV 668.
Translation: Purple 2. Before thy throne tret 'I, BWV 668.
Translation: Purple 1. Before thy throne tret 'I, BWV 668.
Translation: Graupner, Christoph.
Translation: V. Before thy throne Tret'ich hereby.
Translation: V. tret'ich hereby Before thy throne, with soft voices, the melody Pricing. Werner, Johann Gottlob.
Translation: So the angels do not dance before God's throne. Gurrelieder. 4 songs.
Translation: Gar very high from the sky throne.
Translation: No.1 - love, I surrender myself No.2 - I want to love you, my crown No.3 - Throne of Love. Cornelius, Peter.
Translation: Praise be to God in the highest throne.