Translation: All Priase to Thee, for Thou, O King Divine. Sing To Jesus. Amazing Grace. How Sweet The Sound.
Translation: The Church's One Foundation. Faith Of Our Fathers. I Love To Tell The Story. The Old Rugged Cross.
Translation: Flexibility and creative planning are the hallmarks of this musical. Before The Throne Of God Above.
Translation: Spirit . Alleluia, Sing Praise to the Lord. Bless The Lord. Bread of Life. Bread of Life.
Translation: Blessed Be the Name. Lily Of The Valley. Rock Of Ages. Awake, And Sing The Song.
Translation: O For A Heart To Praise My God. Come, Let Us Worship the King. Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne. SAB.
Translation: - Amazing Grace - America The Beautiful - Ancient Of Days - And Can I Be That I Shoul Gain.
Translation: - Christ Be Beside Me - Christ For The World We Sing. - Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation - Christ Returneth.
Translation: How Sweet The Sound - Amen - America, The Beautiful - America, The Heritage - And Can It Be That I Should Gain.
Translation: The great Baroque master composer Johann Sebastian Bach. wrote music for every combination of instruments and voices.
Translation: and My Faith Looks Up to Thee. All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name. Come, Ye Thankful People, Come.
Translation: Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King. Speak O Lord. The Wonderful Cross. Nothing But The Blood.
Translation: Because of Your Love. Before the Throne of God Above. Came to My Rescue. Friend of Sinners.
Translation: This popular text blends the haunting, sweet voice of the mountain dulcimer with treasured gospel and sacred melodies.