Translation: English. SATB.
Translation: for this is the chalice of my blood,the blood of the new and eternal covenant.
Translation: for this is my body which will be given up for you.
Translation: GTR TAB.
Translation: Plan. Bass. Percussion.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: The Monthly Review, July 1767 reviewed a similar collection and mentioned this particular glee in the following terms. ATTB.
Translation: whilst even a less experience one should be able, with a little work and patience, to take on the piece successfully.
Translation: For quite a while I've wanted to set this particular text, because I felt that the current musical settings available. A cappella.
Translation: It continues to be performed regularly, as a whole piece and as separate movements, especially within the worldwide Pagan community.
Translation: As always, yes, the composer is still alive and kicking, and if you choose to perform this work she would love to hear about it.
Translation: Leanne Daharja Veitch. Sacred , Pagan music. SATB and Choral SAB soli. Crescent Moon is by no means a traditional choral piece.
Translation: This is one of a series of flower songs I have written that are available here at CPDL.. Secular , Partsong. Language. English.
Translation: this accords with current RISM opinion. John Hilton the elder. A cappella. Sacred , Evening Canticles. Language. English. SATB.