Translation: I want to dip my soul.
Translation: In colors of white lilies. cycle of love poet. Schumann. Heine.
Translation: In colors of white lilies.
Translation: I want to dip my soul. Plan.
Translation: Ich will meine Seele tauchen - No. 5 from "Dichterliebe" Op. 48 Sheet Music by Robert Schumann. Plan.
Translation: Christians Teglbjaerg. Christians Stubbe Teglbjaerg. Legacy. Soprano or Tenor. Plan.
Translation: Robert Schumann. Piano Solo sheet music. The Gold Series. Composed by Robert Schumann. For Piano. Music Sales America. Romantic, Classical.
Translation: What will the lonely Trane. Mein altes Ross. Version 2.0. Various. Voice sheet music. Version 2.0. The Ultimate Collection.
Translation: German Lieder for Medium . What will the lonely Trane. What will the lonely Trane. Mein altes Ross. Version 2.0.
Translation: Robert Schumann. High Voice sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Intermediate. Composed by Robert Schumann.
Translation: High Voice sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Edited by Kazuko Ozawa. For Piano, High Voice. Voice.
Translation: Robert Schumann. High Voice sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Edited by Kohler. This edition. Urtext.
Translation: Douglas Webster. Piano sheet music. for CD-compatible modules. By Douglas Webster and Lincoln Mayorga. For Disklavier. CD only. HL.503482.
Translation: Songs. What will the lonely Trane. What will the lonely Trane. Leis rudern hier, mein Gondolier. Songs. - Volume 1.
Translation: What will the lonely Trane. What will the lonely TrŠne. 77 Songs. Robert Schumann. Medium Voice sheet music.
Translation: What will the lonely Trane. What will the lonely TrŠne. 77 Songs. Robert Schumann. Low Voice sheet music.