Translation: Wilbye, John.
Translation: Madrigals for 5 voices. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Main sheet music.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: - Anything Real, Fake, Book.
Translation: Weeping, Lamenting, Fearing, Hesitating, BWV 12. Air. Be faithful, all pain. with chorale Jesu, meine Freude. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: My heart, I pray, weep not. If you close the core. Madrigals, Book 4.
Translation: "Weeping still be reborn sol. "How in the floor postorit". in Russian translation. For Voice and Piano. Glinka.
Translation: Let me weep from the Opera Rinaldo. Let me weep from the Opera Rinaldo. for Organ and Choir. Choir.
Translation: Ferrabosco Alfonso I. English. SSATB. From Musica Transalpina.
Translation: Language. English. SATTB.