Translation: Language. ATBarB.
Translation: Transcribed from the Trent manuscripts tr89. The time signatures and the notes’ values are as in the manuscript.
Translation: Commune confessoris pontificis, antiphona ad Magnificat in II Vesperis, transcribed from the Trent manuscript tr89. Language.
Translation: José Maurício Nunes Garcia. Basso continuo. Sacred , Evening Canticles. Latin. SATB.
Translation: A cappella. Language. SSATB.
Translation: A cappella. Language. Latin. SATB.
Translation: A cappella. Language. Latin. SATB. Motet for Epiphany.
Translation: Sacred , Motet , Magnificat antiphon at First Vespers for the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Translation: from the Gospel for Ordinary Time 33 A. Language. Latin. SATB. Genre.
Translation: A cappella. Language. Latin. SATB. This antiphon is also set by Schein & Gallus.