Translation: composed by Mosie Lister. Arranged by Richard Kingsmore. Published by Lillenas Publishing Company. Mosie Lister.
Translation: The words are as a prayer, "Jesus, keep me near the cross. The Alfred Church Choral Series. Choir sheet music.
Translation: Commissioned by One Voice Mixed Chorus and Community of Peace Academy.
Translation: Commissioned with funding from the Jerome Foundation Composers Commissioning Program Text.
Translation: 'Til The Storm Passes By - Can He, Could He, Would He. Soprano Rehearsal Track CD. Russell Mauldin.
Translation: 'Til The Storm Passes By - Can He, Could He, Would He. Tenor Rehearsal Track CD. Russell Mauldin.
Translation: 'Til The Storm Passes By - Can He, Could He, Would He. Bass Rehearsal Track CD. Russell Mauldin.
Translation: 'Til The Storm Passes By - Can He, Could He, Would He. Alto Rehearsal Track CD. Russell Mauldin.
Translation: 'Til The Storm Passes By - Can He, Could He, Would He. Choral Book. Russell Mauldin. Choir sheet music.
Translation: Country . Down The Sawdust Trail. Each Step Of The Way. Everybody Sing Praise To The Lord.
Translation: Published by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing.
Translation: Published by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing. - Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation - Christ Returneth.
Translation: 'Til The Storm Passes By - Can He, Could He, Would He. CD Preview Pack. Russell Mauldin.
Translation: Published by Lillenas Publishing Company. Mixed trios provide one of the classic sounds of gospel music.
Translation: The Longer I Serve Him with I Will Serve Thee. Where The Spirit Of The Lord Is. Marty Parks. Piano Solo sheet music.
Translation: Published by Lillenas Publishing Company. Are You Washed In The Blood. Bless The Lord, O My Soul.
Translation: Published by Lillenas Publishing Company. The Stereo CD and Accompaniment Track feature ten favorites from this collection.