Translation: book will be in the back country with the hikers. On The Banks Of The Wabash, Far Away.
Translation: The Belfast Lasses. The Black Eyed Sailor. The Boys From The East. The Boys Of Carrigallen.
Translation: Have You Ever Loved a Woman. I'd Rather Go Blind. As The Years Go Passing By. Have You Ever Loved A Woman.
Translation: The Women of R. The Women of R. 37 songs from the top women in R. Baby Love. Baby Love.
Translation: De Blin' Man Stood on de Road an' Cried. Joshua Fit de Battle of Jericho. She'll comin' round the mountain.
Translation: Best Of You. On The Dark Side. The House Is Rockin'. Love Is A Battlefield. Shame On The Moon.
Translation: A pocket-sized collection of Tom Waits songs, in chord songbook format, with complete lyrics and guitar chords diagrams.
Translation: Blow the Man Down. I've Been Working on the Railroad. She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain. Turkey in the Straw.
Translation: Each song in a fake book only has a single melody actually written out in notes, which is usually the vocal or lead melody.
Translation: The ultimate collection of over 1,000 folksongs perfect for performers, school teachers, and hobbyists. The Ash Grove.
Translation: Fingerpicking Guitar sheet music. Fingerpicking.
Translation: He entered on a whim, at the last minute, using a 1.50 K-Mart cassette tape and a boom box.
Translation: And I Love Her. Blowin' In The Wind. Catch The Wind. Down By The Brook. The Last Thing On My Mind.
Translation: The Most Famous Melodies of All Time Arranged for Easy Guitar. The Ardelean Woman. Battle Cry of Freedom.
Translation: Selections from the very popular special on VH1. Includes. Burning down the House. Keep On Loving You.
Translation: Trade. This 2-disk set contains the vocal scores of 16 oratorios and odes.
Translation: A Little Bit Of.. Who Let the Dogs Out. Rebirth Of Slick. Pass The Dutchie. Don't Wanna Fall In Love.