Translation: B-Flat Instrument sheet music. B-Flat Trumpet sheet music. Bass Clef Instrument sheet music. C Instrument sheet music.
Translation: Ernie's Blues. Blue In Green. Various. Piano Solo sheet music. Intermediate.
Translation: Chick Corea. Voice sheet music. Piano sheet music. Intermediate. Chick Corea Collection composed by Chick Corea. For Piano.
Translation: Blue Rondo A La Turk. Blue Rondo A La Turk is also listed in the Conservatory Canada Contemporary Syllabus.
Translation: Cabin In The Sky. C Jam Blues. Once In A While. I'll See You In My Dreams. Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue.
Translation: The Bird In The Tree. Bluegrass In The Backwoods. Carroll County Blues. Cattle In The Cane. Donald Blue.
Translation: Added features are lyric versions of 10 tunes, 3 essays about Bill Evans' life and music, photographs, and discography.
Translation: K.C. Blues. West End Blues. Blues By Five. Almost Like Being In Love. Love In Peace. Blue Seven.
Translation: In this book, Stacy Phillips shares the fruits of some timely collecting for all fiddlers to enjoy. Lantern In The Ditch.
Translation: In London Town. On Green Dolphin Street. Reunion Blues. Not Really the Blues. Slippin' In The Back Door.
Translation: In London Town. On Green Dolphin Street. Reunion Blues. Editions also available in C, B-flat, and E-flat.
Translation: In London Town. On Green Dolphin Street. Reunion Blues. Editions also available in C, B-flat, and Bass Clef.
Translation: In London Town. On Green Dolphin Street. Reunion Blues. Editions also available in C, E-flat, and Bass Clef.
Translation: Bill Monroe, The Stanley Brothers, Flatt . Are You Washed in the Blood of the Lamb. Away In A Manger.
Translation: Blue Note . C Edition. C Instrument sheet music. Piano sheet music.