Translation: The bandit of Estremadura.
Translation: from the picture The Kissing Bandit by Kathryn Grayson. Popular music. English. Published by Noten Roehr. NR.83692.
Translation: For piano. Published by Highgate Press. EC.7.0246.
Translation: The bandits. Booklet. Booklet.
Translation: The bandits.
Translation: Dark city streets twist and moan in the heat In the heart of the night we run like bandits. Lead Sheet.
Translation: For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Piano Vocal.
Translation: "This was a fun arrangement but is missing the pre-chorus, which you dont find out till. Plan. MN0129978. Contains complete lyrics.
Translation: "This was a fun arrangement but is missing the pre-chorus, which you dont find out till. Plan. MN0129978_U5.
Translation: "This was a fun arrangement but is missing the pre-chorus, which you dont find out till. Plan. MN0129978_D5.
Translation: "This was a fun arrangement but is missing the pre-chorus, which you dont find out till. Plan. MN0129978_D3.
Translation: "This was a fun arrangement but is missing the pre-chorus, which you dont find out till. Plan. MN0129978_D2.
Translation: "This was a fun arrangement but is missing the pre-chorus, which you dont find out till. Plan. MN0129978_D1.
Translation: "This was a fun arrangement but is missing the pre-chorus, which you dont find out till. Plan. MN0129978_U3.
Translation: "This was a fun arrangement but is missing the pre-chorus, which you dont find out till. Plan. MN0129978_U2.
Translation: View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Voice sheet music.