Translation: "The Anacreontic Song". , set to various lyrics, was already popular in the United States.
Translation: Lyrics.
Translation: The Ship Of Rio by Benjamin Britten for 2-part boys' or women's voices and piano from Three Two-part Songs.
Translation: Piano, Vocal.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Chords. Solero. bridges down.
Translation: I stood on da ribber ob Jerdon to see dat ship come sailin' ber. Feel the Spirit Volume I - SATB Acapella. SSAATTBB Choir.
Translation: If ordering more than 10 copies, please call us on 44. Powerful.
Translation: - Digital Sheet Music. from Sesame Street. Leadsheet. Lyrics. Melody. Chords.
Translation: Back in the days of knights in armor, there once lived a lovely charmer swimming in the Rhine,. 0-7692-9771-4. Solero.
Translation: Melody. Chords.
Translation: On the good ship Lollipop, it's a sweet trip to a candy shop,. Anthology of Movie Songs - Gold Edition. Plan. Vocal.
Translation: - Digital Beginner Notes. Plan. Chords. Beginner Notes.
Translation: Lady In The Dark. The 16-Bar Theatre Audition - Soprano Edition. Excerpt. - Digital Sheet Music. Plan. Vocal.
Translation: The 16-Bar Theatre Audition - Soprano Edition. Excerpt. from Rags. - Digital Sheet Music. from Rags. Plan. Vocal.