Translation: dull, werner. Independence - BLUES - in E - piano - solo. dull, werner. Piano solo. Stumpf, Werner Publisher. Stumpf, Werner Date.
Translation: Disney Collections.
Translation: Who wants to travel right with lust. 3 Duets for Baritone and Bass, Op.491.
Translation: Right time.
Translation: 3 Songs Concert.
Translation: Transcribed from the Trent manuscript tr87.
Translation: the left upstemmed notes are semibreves - the unstemmed notes are breves - the right downstemmed notes are longæ.
Translation: the left upstemmed notes are semibreves - the unstemmed notes are breves - the right downstemmed notes are longæ. Anonymous. SAT.
Translation: the left upstemmed notes are semibreves - the unstemmed notes are breves - the right downstemmed note are longæ. one with the 1st.
Translation: the left upstemmed notes are semibreves - the unstemmed notes are breves - the right downstemmed note are longæ.
Translation: the left upstemmed notes are semibreves - the unstemmed notes are breves - the right downstemmed notes are longæ. John Brassart.
Translation: The Moonchild has been performed in various guises, such as a solo song with piano and a recorder consort plus psaltery. 1855–1905.