Translation: Spanish Love Songs, Op.138.
Translation: O wie lieblich ist das Mädchen Sheet Music by Robert Schumann. Novato Music Press. German. Solero. Voice. Piano, Four Hands.
Translation: Tief im Herzen trag' ich Pein Sheet Music by Robert Schumann. Novato Music Press. German. Solero. Voice. Piano, Four Hands.
Translation: Robert Schumann. Op. 138, No. 8. Geibel. Novato Music Press. German. Solero. Voice. Piano, Four Hands.
Translation: Robert Schumann. Op. 138, No. 5. Novato Music Press. 10. German. Solero. Voice. Piano, Four Hands.
Translation: Weh, wie zornig ist das Mädchen Sheet Music by Robert Schumann. Novato Music Press. German. Solero. Voice. Piano, Four Hands.
Translation: Blaue Augen hat das Mädchen Sheet Music by Robert Schumann. Novato Music Press. German. Solero. Voice. Piano, Four Hands.
Translation: Robert Schumann. Op. 138, No. 10. Geibel. Novato Music Press. German. Solero. Voice. Piano, Four Hands.
Translation: Robert Schumann. Op. 138, No. 4. Geibel. Novato Music Press. German. Solero. Voice. Piano, Four Hands.
Translation: Robert Schumann. Op. 138, No. 5. Romance. Plan. Vocal. Singer Pro. Voice, range.
Translation: Dark light shine. Spanish Love Songs, op. Arranged by Robert Schumann. Dark light shine op. Op. 13810.
Translation: German Lieder for Medium . The beautiful Mullerin, Op. 25-1. The beautiful Mullerin, Op. 25-1.