Translation: The text is a compilation of paraphrases from the Song of Solomon. Details about the scriptural source. are included in the editorial notes.
Translation: Latin.
Translation: A cappella. Language. ATTB. The time signatures, notes' values, accidentals and colourings are as in the manuscript.
Translation: The time signatures, notes' values, accidentals and colourings are as in the manuscript. The perfect notes and rests are dotted.
Translation: Corpus Christi , Magnificat Antiphon, II Vespers, minus the final Alleluia. Latin. Original text and translations.
Translation: Language. Latin. SATTB or ATTBB.
Translation: A cappella. Language. SSATB.
Translation: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. Latin. SATB. Ascension Day.
Translation: Language. Latin. SATTB.
Translation: Giuseppe Antonio Bernabei. Language. Latin. SATB.
Translation: A cappella. Language. English. from Psalm 34. for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time or ad libitum use.
Translation: This work sets the antiphon which is sung before and after the Nunc dimittis at Compline.
Translation: Short and nice Antiphon in honor of Blessed Sacrament. SATB. Can be used at the end of Eucharistic procession.
Translation: This antiphon is also set by Schein & Gallus. A cappella. Language. Latin. SATB.
Translation: Language. Latin. SATB.
Translation: Published in "Modulationes sex vocum", nº13. Venice, 1566.