Translation: Language. Latin. SSAATTBB. Original setting of Corpus Christi text by Juliana of Liege. 1193-1252.
Translation: Salmi a 8 voci.
Translation: A 5 part work, possibly late 15th or early 16th Century.
Translation: Is the liturgical acclamation before the Gospel in the Mass and in the Liturgy of the Word.
Translation: Only alternate verses set.
Translation: SATB.
Translation: SATB. Setting of the antiphon at Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, with plainchant for Psalm 116. and Gloria Patri.
Translation: Sopra la fronte.
Translation: Salmo per la festa dell'Immacolata.
Translation: Christoph Dalitz. Organ or guitar accompaniment. Language. Greek. A melody sung by the cantor is answered in four parts.
Translation: a cappella. Language. Ukrainian. SATB.
Translation: This is an Easter Sequence, sung during the Mass of Easter Sunday.
Translation: Language. English. SATTBB. The 14th verse. "The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation".