Translation: Eine Vertonung der Preces und Responsorien für Evensongs in deutscher Sprache, mit Vaterunser. Burkhart M. Schürmann. A cappella.
Translation: Composed for Easter Sunday evensong at Hereford Cathedral, 1834, when only trebles and a single bass voice were available.
Translation: Sacred , Evening Canticles. ATBarB. Composed for Jeffrey Reynolds and the Trinity Compline Choir, this ATBarB setting.
Translation: This small piece on Tone 1 was composed for Canon John Goodall's last evensong at St Michael's Colehill.
Translation: Cristóbal de Morales , arr. Hackett. A cappella. Sacred , Evening Canticles. Language. Latin. SATB. A suitable edition of the Magnificat.
Translation: Suitable for use in the Preces and Responses of Evensong or Matins instead of a unison Our Father on one note. Anonymous. A cappella.
Translation: Language. English.
Translation: Cristobal de Morales. A cappella. Sacred , Evening Canticles. Latin. SATB. Adapted from the Magnificat Tertii Toni "Anima Mea".
Translation: Christopher Upton. Christopher Upton. Sacred , Liturgical music. English. Genre. Sacred , Liturgical music.
Translation: Anthem for Evensong, first appeared in 1565 in John Day's certaine notes set forth in foure and three partes.