Translation: II. Resurrexi - Introit of Easter Day. First religious following.
Translation: Introit of the Easter morning Mass transcribed from the Trent manuscript tr93. parallel sixth and octaves.
Translation: Introit for Easter, from a manuscript dated 1755.
Translation: Introit of the Mass for Easter day.
Translation: Original composition by Robert Hugill setting the Latin Introit for Easter Sunday. with some divisi. unaccompanied choir.
Translation: Percussion sheet music. Advanced. 1942-. For handbells. Choral, Ascension, Easter.
Translation: Violet. Cello.
Translation: Advanced. 1942-. For SATB choir, a cappella. Choral, Ascension, Chant, Easter. Difficult. Choral score. Published by Paraclete Press.
Translation: Resurrexi - Sacred Chant for Choir SATB a cappella composed by Santino Cara. Sheet Music Single. Santino Cara #CS133.
Translation: Organ Accompaniment sheet music. For 2 female or children's voices and organ. Published by Editions Combre. LM.P02582.
Translation: Percussion sheet music. Advanced. 1942-. For SATB choir.
Translation: Pentecost. Pentecost. Spiritus Domini replevit orbem. Composed by Eberhard Bonitz. 1921-1980. For Mixed Choir.
Translation: Plainchant is used decisively in the structure of the work, the Resurrexi figuring prominently throughout the quartet. Advanced.