Translation: Eduard Mörike. Charles Fonteyn Manney. Novato Music Press. English,German. Voice. Plan.
Translation: from Tiedge's Urania. Op. 94 Sheet Music by Ludwig van Beethoven. Ludwig van Beethoven. Novato Music Press. Voice. Plan.
Translation: At an Aeolian Harp. At an Aeolian Harp. Ode to an Aeolian Harp. Hugo Wolf. High Voice sheet music.
Translation: The Prodigal Son, score. High Suns, Orff Instruments, Percusison, Piano. Orff Instrument sheet music. For Soprano. SA. This edition.
Translation: Felix Bartholdy Mendelssohn. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music. Percussion sheet music. Timpani sheet music. 1809-1847.
Translation: Sacred Songs . jubilieret die Erde, Cantata No. 31. What wilt thou, my mind, shocking from Dearest God, when I die. Various.
Translation: Locating works is enhanced by the helpful indices that include an alphabetical list of titles, first lines, and poets.
Translation: The violet, Abendempfindung, An Chloe, warning, satisfaction, etc. For Medium-low voice and Piano. An Chloe.
Translation: Songs. The violet, Abendempfindung, An Chloe, warning, satisfaction, etc. Vocal melody, lyrics and piano accompaniment.
Translation: Als Hugo Wolf im Jahre 1888 die Gedichte von Eduard Morike. Hugo Wolf. Tenor Voice sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music.
Translation: Album of 60 songs from Bach to Reger 'teaching songs'. For medium voice, piano. An das Vaterland. Die Landlust.
Translation: Album of 60 songs from Bach to Reger 'teaching songs'. Haydn - Die Landlust. An Introduction to the Art of Lieder Singing.
Translation: An das Vaterland. An die Laute. Voice Solo sheet music. Instructive Songs edited by Friedlander. Text Language.
Translation: Die Trommel geruhret. Ludwig van Beethoven. High Voice sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music. 1770-1827. Text Language. German.
Translation: Die Trommel geruhret. Ludwig van Beethoven. Low Voice sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music. 1770-1827. Text Language. German.
Translation: Die Feen, Act I, Part 1 - Wo bist Du, ach. Die Feen, Act I, Part 1 - War einst' ne bose Hexe.
Translation: An den Mond. An den Tod. An die Laute. An die Leier. An Die Musik.
Translation: An die Laute. An die Leier. An Die Musik. An die Sonne. An Schwager Kronos.