Translation: Let's Fall in Love. What'll I Do. Joyce's Samba. Out Back Of The Barn. Syeeda's Song Flute.
Translation: Chip 'N Dale's Rescue Rangers Theme Song. Colonel Hathi's March. He's A Pirate. He's A Tramp.
Translation: Out Back Of The Barn. Syeeda's Song Flute. Adam's Apple. Let's Get Lost. Let's Cool One.
Translation: Now's the Time. Watch What Happens. Joyce's Samba. Out Back Of The Barn. Syeeda's Song Flute.
Translation: It's So Peaceful In The Country. Billie's Blues. Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin'. There's A Small Hotel.
Translation: It's So Peaceful In The Country. Bill's Bounce. Billie's Blues. No More Blues.
Translation: Bill's Bounce. Bud's Blues. What Makes Your Big Head So Hard. No More Blues.
Translation: Now's the Time. Watch What Happens. Birk's Works. Adam's Apple. Let's Get Lost. Monk's Shop.
Translation: Bud's Blues. What Makes Your Big Head So Hard. No More Blues. Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans.
Translation: Bag's New Groove. Bernie's Tune. Billie's Bounce. Bill's Bounce. Bud's Blues.
Translation: The Real Book you know and love has now been updated to include backing tracks for 240 songs on one convenient USB flash drive stick.