Translation: was the first Professor of Music at Trinity College, Dublin, and a prolific writer of glees.
Translation: Contains over 40 songs in the versions made famous by the world-renowned Irish group. Walking in the Dew.
Translation: The Wearing of the Green. The Snowy-Breasted Pearl. Oft In The Stilly Night. The Mermaid.
Translation: Whiskey in the Jar. E-Z Play Today is the shortest distance between beginning music and playing fun.
Translation: The ultimate collection of over 1,000 folksongs perfect for performers, school teachers, and hobbyists. All Through the Night.
Translation: The Banks Of The Roses. The Rose Of Tralee. The Gypsy. The Black Velvet Band.
Translation: This comprehensive book is a facsimile edition of the original collection published in 1883. Rose Of The Valley Reel.