Translation: “Figured bass” was a Baroque system of notating harmony. Seventh chords and melodies in both hands. In my dear God.
Translation: Sacred Songs . Ah, but soon propose, blissful hour from Christ, who is my life, Cantata No.. 95.
Translation: Trade. Must I my Acis still bemoan. Where'er I turn my eyes. My transports are too great to tell.
Translation: So we stand, me and my pasture. How are you, my queen. I ringing my horn into the vale of tears.
Translation: Poem of love, Part 10 - since it took my life. Pity you take my grief. Alzira, Act I, Part 2 - Teco hoped fight.
Translation: Clearings in the sky - At the foot of my bed. Popular songs Haute Auvergne and Haut Quercy - I lost my love.