Translation: Open My Eyes, That I May See. Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior. Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know.
Translation: Come Unto Me.
Translation: Country . He Knows Just What I Need. He Laid His Hand On Me. He Set Me Free. He Touched Me.
Translation: Come Thou Fount. Come, We That Love The Lord. I Sing the Mighty Power of God. Come, Christians, Join To Sing.
Translation: I Sing the Mighty Power of God. Come, Thou Fount. Father, I Adore You. Come, Thou Almighty King.
Translation: Abide with Me. Come, Holy Ghost. Come, Thou Almighty King. Come Unto Me, Ye Weary.
Translation: Open My Eyes, That I May See. I Want Jesus to Walk with Me. Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior.
Translation: I Saw the Light. I'd Rather Have Jesus. Lord, I'm Coming Home. What a Friend We Have in Jesus.
Translation: Follow Me. For Those Tears I Died. Give Me That Old Time Religion. God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It.
Translation: I Could Sing of Your Love Forever. Lord, I Lift Your Name on High. Find Me In The River. He Has Made Me Glad.
Translation: I Could Sing of Your Love Forever. Lord, I Lift Your Name on High. What A Mighty God We Serve.
Translation: Breathe On Me. Oh, I Want To Know You More. Just As I Am. I Have Decided to Follow Jesus.