Translation: Organ Improvisations for Lent and Easter Hymns arranged by Gerre Hancock. Keep Us Lord. "O Sacred Head, Sore Wounded".
Translation: I Will Call upon the Lord. O Magnify the Lord. You Are My All in All. I Will Call Upon The Lord.
Translation: Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing. Come Christians, Join to Sing. Draw Near and Take the Body of the Lord.
Translation: Trying to make the leap from piano to organ. Registrations are provided for all organs. Come Peace Of God.
Translation: Easy Hymn Preludes for Organ composed by Wilbur Held. COME DOWN, O LOVE DIVINE. Come, O Almighty King.
Translation: All Glory, Laud and Honor. All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name. Because You Live, O Christ.
Translation: Rhenish Orgelbuch. I'm glad in the Lord - D Major. It knows the Lord His own - D Major. I glory the Lord alone.
Translation: Festive Organ Chorales - Easter to Trinity composed by Friedrich Reimerdes. Festive Organ Chorale 5.
Translation: Esslinger Organ, Vol. I. Esslinger Organ, Vol. I. My little children, come - D Major.
Translation: Esslinger Organ Book, Vol II and III. Esslinger Organ Book, Vol II and III. Save us, O God - E Minor.
Translation: Save us, O God - E Minor. My little children, come - D Major. God Geschopfe comes abound - C Major.