Translation: The first madrigal, Since first , is a love song, dedicated to my wife, Leanne.
Translation: I thought it made a good story, and although I've embellished it a bit, I like to think that the happy couple.
Translation: The soprano 1 part, can be sung by all first sopranos, or a small section, but I would be hesitant to assign it as a solo. Language.
Translation: I've marked this as a "sacred anthem," but other than a passing reference to wandering wise men, the text is not overtly biblical.
Translation: Eventually I thought “Hang on, this is supposed to. is optional for the men - if it’s too. Michael Winikoff.
Translation: If I fly, you’re why I’m. David Shire , Richard Maltby Jr.. Alfred Publishing Co.. Plan. Vocal. Solero.
Translation: Rory Gallagher. Guitar Tablature sheet music. For guitar. Rock. Guitar TAB. Guitar TAB. 5 pages. HX.150632. With guitar TAB. Rock.
Translation: - Digital Sheet Music. Plan. Guitar. Voice, range. B3-E5. MN0144026. Contains complete lyrics. Compatible.
Translation: To Sing And Sonare. If I Souspire - Voices and Instruments Miscellaneous. To Sing And Sonare. AH.HE32249.
Translation: I'm Gonna Sing 'Til The Spirit Moves My Heart is a traditional spiritual arranged by Moses Hogan for SATB. Sheet Music.
Translation: Contemporary gospel song, arranged by Moses Hogan, for soprano, alto, tenor and bass singing a capella.
Translation: Here is a lively American singing game arranged for young treble singers in such a way that the parts almost teach themselves.
Translation: I could while away the hours conferrin' with the flowers, consultin' with the rain. If I Only Had a Brain - 2-part. 11.
Translation: Piano Accompaniment, SSAA,. 1284 725725 to check availability. SSAA arrangement by Martin Sirvatka.
Translation: Emily Crocker's arrangement of How Can I Keep From Singing. Sheet Music. Robert Lowry. 1284 725725 to check availability.