Translation: Plan.
Translation: I'll Find You My Friend composed by Sally DeFord. Eighth. Duration 3. 00. Published by Nolan .
Translation: Duet composed by Linda Leavitt. For medium voice solo or duet. Published by Jackman Music Corporation. JK.99018.
Translation: I tried to capture something of the warmth of her personality, especially in the middle part. For Piano Solo.
Translation: My son was part of that graduating class, so this song had a lot of personal meaning and love. Piano sheet music.
Translation: I Know Why No One Has Ever Found the Pot of Gold. When I Was Only Nearly Three. If I Could Find a Polly-Wog.
Translation: Solero. Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Translation: Plan. Chords.
Translation: Nearer, My God, to Thee. Nobody Know The Trouble I've Seen. Sun of My Soul. What a Friend We Have in Jesus.
Translation: With no page turns required, the songs and measures are consistent which makes finding rehearsal points quick and convenient.