Translation: Lyrics.
Translation: And I am telling you I’m not going. You’re the best man I’ll ev-er know. Tom Eyen. Solero.
Translation: Piano, Vocal. Right-Hand Melody. RHM. Jennifer Holliday. Glee Cast. Dreamgirls.
Translation: Piano, Vocal. Right-Hand Melody. Jennifer Hudson. Jennifer Holliday. --.
Translation: Jennifer Holliday. Dreamgirls. Musical. --.
Translation: Plan. Henry Krieger. --.
Translation: Piano, Vocal.
Translation: Plan. Jennifer Holliday. Glee Cast. Dreamgirls. Musical.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Chords. Voice, range. F4-F5.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Chords. Voice, range. D4-D5.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Chords. Voice, range. G4-G5.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Chords. Voice, range. E4-E5.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Chords. Voice, range. C4-C5.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Chords. Voice, range. A4-A5.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Chords. Voice, range. Bb3-Bb4.