Translation: Air.
Translation: O Lord how are my foes increased. O God that art my righteousness. Incline thine ear unto my words.
Translation: This setting was published on p20 of Thomas Jarman's Sacred Music, comprising Thirty Six Select Hymns , London.
Translation: An anthem on Luke 15. 18-19 by Thomas Clark, from pages 21-23 of his collection A Fourth Set of Psalm Tunes. c1810.
Translation: A hymn tune by Joel Thorne from p7 of Thomas Hawkes' A Collection of Tunes.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Plan. Commission piece for the Choristers of Grace Episcopal Church, Ponca City, Oklahoma, Jackie Saylor, Director of Music. KJV.
Translation: Marcoux, Jean-François. Marcoux, Jean-François. Marcoux, Jean-François.