Translation: The music of this setting was printed on pp162-163 of William Knapp's New Church Melody , London. Sacred , Carol Meter.
Translation: Audiences and performers alike adore Precious Child. Oh, my precious child, do you hear the angels singing.
Translation: Davies is best remembered for this work and for the march ‘RAF March Past’. Organ, SATB. ORG.
Translation: The Closer I Get To You. Precious And Few. After The Love Has Gone. After The Lovin'.
Translation: The American Ideal shines the spotlight on 4 contestants who are competing to be the next "American Ideal". Ted Wilson.
Translation: The Turtle Creek Chorale, one of the world's finest men's choruses, is turning 25. Listen To My Heart. Various.
Translation: Program it alone or, for a awe-inspiring concert, program it with the other three movements, "The Iliad". Grade 4.
Translation: Yet, despite diverse origins, their amazing unity of focus serves to bind these songs together in the enrichment of our worship.
Translation: Over 50 optional last-verse harmonizations or descants add to the beauty of these arrangements.
Translation: General Music and Classroom Publications. Other Classroom. The More Wee Sing Together.
Translation: General Music and Classroom Publications. 45 silly songs and fingerplays.
Translation: - Amens - America The Beautiful - And Can It Be. - Christ Be Beside Me - Christ For The World We Sing.
Translation: The right hand note heads are strange bird calls in the forest.
Translation: The books in this series each contain more than 300 pages of smash hit sheet music for a bargain price. Blues in the Night.
Translation: Piano reduction, introductory text, instructional text, lyrics and performance notes. does not include words to the songs.