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Wee Sing. The Best of Wee Sing.Translation
Wee Sing. The Best of Wee Sing.Original
Wee Sing. The Best of Wee Sing arranged by Pamela Conn Beall and Susan Hagen Nipp. This edition. Paperback. Classroom. Pre-School. General Music and Classroom Publications. Other Classroom. Sing-Along. Wee Sing. 46 songs. Children's. Book & CD. 64 pages. Duration Over one hour. Published by Alfred Music. AP.74-0843121841. ISBN 084312184X. Children's. 8 1. 2" x 5 1. 2" inches. Wee Sing celebrates 25 years of sharing childrenâs music with this wonderful collection of traditional favorites selected from a variety of titles. Enjoy sing-alongs, action songs, rounds, call and response, and silly songs. Youâll find yourself singing along with the delightful childrenâs choir when you hear all the familiar songs you love. Recorded Acc. Available. Wee Sing materials enrich the cognitive, physical, and social development of young children. Through songs, chants, movement, and rhythms, children can gain the readiness skills of language development, coordination, auditory discrimination, body awareness, rhythmic proficiency, and self confidence. The More Wee Sing Together. If You're Happy. Skidamarink. Bingo. Do Your Ears Hang Low. The Big Rock Candy Mountains. Down by the Bay. Six Little Ducks. Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Head And Shoulders. Dry Bones. Looby Loo. Eentsy, Weentsy Spider. Baby Bumblebee. The Ants Go Marching. The Bear Went Over The Mountain. I Love the Mountains. She'll be Comin' Round the Mountain. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. Take Me Out To The Ball Game. To Market, To Market. This Little Pig Went To Market. Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Pease Porridge Hot. Playmate. My Aunt Came Back. Tingalayo. Down By The Station. I've Been Working On The Railroad. Ten in a Bed. The Farmer in the Dell. Kookaburra. Pop. Goes the Weasel. Polly Wolly Doodle. Hickory, Dickory, Dock. Ring Around the Rosy. The Hokey Pokey. Teddy Bear. Who Built the Ark. Rain, Rain, Go Away. There Is Thunder. It's Raining. Sing-a-Ling. He's Got The Whole World. Hush, Little Baby. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. The More Wee Sing Together. Reprise.Translation
Wee Sing. The Best of Wee Sing arranged by Pamela Conn Beall and Susan Hagen Nipp. This edition. Paperback. Classroom. Pre-School. General Music and Classroom Publications. Other Classroom. Sing-Along. Wee Sing. 46 songs. Children's. Book . Duration Over one hour. Published by Alfred Music. AP.74-0843121841. ISBN 084312184X. Children's. 8 1. 2" x 5 1. 2" inches. Wee Sing celebrates 25 years of sharing childrenâs music with this wonderful collection of traditional favorites selected from a variety of titles. Enjoy sing-alongs, action songs, rounds, call and response, and silly songs. Youâll find yourself singing along with the delightful childrenâs choir when you hear all the familiar songs you love. Recorded Acc. Available. Wee Sing materials enrich the cognitive, physical, and social development of young children. Through songs, chants, movement, and rhythms, children can gain the readiness skills of language development, coordination, auditory discrimination, body awareness, rhythmic proficiency, and self confidence. The More Wee Sing Together. If You're Happy. Skidamarink. Bingo. Do Your Ears Hang Low. The Big Rock Candy Mountains. Down by the Bay. Six Little Ducks. Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Head And Shoulders. Dry Bones. Looby Loo. Eentsy, Weentsy Spider. Baby Bumblebee. The Ants Go Marching. The Bear Went Over The Mountain. I Love the Mountains. She'll be Comin' Round the Mountain. John Jacob Schmidt Jingleheimer. Take Me Out To The Ball Game. To Market, To Market. This Little Pig Went To Market. Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Pease Porridge Hot. Playmate. My Aunt Came Back. Tingalayo. Down By The Station. I've Been Working On The Railroad. Ten in a Bed. The Farmer in the Dell. Kookaburra. Pop. Goes the Weasel. Polly Wolly Doodle. Hickory, Dickory, Dock. Ring Around the Rosy. The Hokey Pokey. Teddy Bear. Who Built the Ark. Rain, Rain, Go Away. There Is Thunder. It's Raining. Sing-a-Ling. He's Got The Whole World. Hush, Little Baby. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. The More Wee Sing Together. Recovery.Popular requests