Translation: Flutes 1 . Cantatas françoises one and two voices.
Translation: Cantate182-guitare. 182-Concerto. Robert, Serge.
Translation: Main sheet music.
Translation: Flute. Adage. I stand with one foot in the grave. Driver. Plan.
Translation: Robert, Serge. Main sheet music. Violon. Guitare.
Translation: "Jesus ist ein guter Hirt" Aria dalla Cantata BWV 85 Trascrizione per Pianoforte o Cembalo e Strumento melodico. Machella, MAURIZIO.
Translation: Trascrizione per Clavicembalo o Organo e Flauto Traverso o altro strumento melodico. Machella, MAURIZIO. Main sheet music.
Translation: Chorale cantata of the Heart and Mouth and Deed and Life, BWV 147. Flute part. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring. Jesu, Joy.
Translation: Aria from Cantata 210. Be silent, flutes. Bang.
Translation: Be silent, flutes. Aria from Cantata 210.
Translation: Flutes. Basses.