Translation: Air. 'It rises a voice'.
Translation: It is the healing and salvation of Light.
Translation: He has told you, O man.
Translation: Stay with us, for it is toward evening.
Translation: 12 arias and songs for the times of day and other occasions. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: Mer hahn en new Oberkeet, BWV 212. It'll take ten thousand ducats of Kammeherr. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: 12 arias and songs from Schemellis Hymns for general occasions. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: Long live the king, the father in the land, BWV Anh.11.
Translation: It is finished. do not forget, BWV 458.
Translation: It is waiting for you all, BWV 187.
Translation: It, Break you a terrible end, BWV 90.
Translation: It is now made with my life. 12 arias and songs for dying, death, resurrection, eternal life. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: It is expedient for you that I go away, BWV 108.