Translation: Philip, king of Macedonia, RV 715. Booklets.
Translation: processing Macedonian folk song "There was a girl in the water". for mixed choir a-capella. V. Syamichev.
Translation: Macedonian folk song "Back, back, mome Kalina", transcription for piano. E. Shatrova.
Translation: Two Macedonian Folk Songs All Night I Am Awake Come, Sweetheart A Cappella composed by Macedonian Folksong. For Choral.
Translation: 1st Trumpet in Bb. 2nd Trumpet in Bb. Horn in F. Trombone. Tuba.
Translation: Vocal. Chords. Legacy Edition. Makedonia ksakusti tu Aleksadru i hora. Greek.
Translation: Published by Hinshaw Music Inc..
Translation: An old Macedonian Song with one variation transcribed for piano beginners in their first book or two in a method. Beginning. Easy.
Translation: Pizzicato Verlag Helvetia. Piano with Lyrics.
Translation: Macedonian folk sonf harmonized and set for four part acapella choir. Intermediate. Arranged by Mesruh Savas. Early Intermediate.
Translation: Macedonian folk song "Makedonsko Devoje - Macedonian Girl" set to four part SATB acapella choir. Choir sheet music. S0.38769.
Translation: Advanced. 1911-2000. For solo piano. 20th Century. SMP Level 9. Advanced. NFMC Level.
Translation: Standard notation. Theodore Presser Company #110-40710. Published by Theodore Presser Company. PR.110407100. With Standard notation.