Translation: Worship Resources. Hal H. Hopson. Choir sheet music. Choir Sacred.
Translation: In Darkness Do I Wander. Choir sheet music. Intermediate.
Translation: Hal H. Hopson. Choir sheet music. Choral Score. SATB. Composed by Hal H. Hopson.
Translation: Christ lay in the bonds of death. I worship Thee, my God most high. Jesus, Thou Who Thyself indeed hast tasted death.
Translation: Worship Resources. Hal H. Hopson. Choir sheet music. Composed by Hal H. Hopson. Choir Sacred.
Translation: O Worship the King. Christ Jesus Lay In Death's Strong Bands. 'Twas On That Dark, That Doleful Night. Various.
Translation: A Kiss In The Dark. Various. Piano sheet music. Intermediate. The Real Little Classical Fake Book - 2nd Edition composed by Various.
Translation: Trade. The people that walked in darkness. Let all the angels of God worship Him. Since by man came death.
Translation: death. Various. Acoustic Guitar sheet music. Classical Guitar sheet music. Piano sheet music. Beginning.
Translation: Worship Resources. Hal H. Hopson. Cello sheet music. Choir sheet music.
Translation: Harmonious Worship. Harmonious Worship. Your blissful hours refreshing joy. I am baptized into Christ's death.
Translation: Sacred Songs . Ah, but soon propose, blissful hour from Christ, who is my life, Cantata No.. 95.