Translation: A dynamic and rather dark musical realization of the famous James Montgomery text. Organ Accompaniment sheet music. Eighth.
Translation: Bitter Passion-tide begins. Come again from out the dark tomb. Last hour of my life, The. Figured Bass.
Translation: 'Twas On That Dark, That Doleful Night. When In The Hour Of Utmost Need. i need Thee Every hour. Piano sheet music.
Translation: To say bitter things you think. O death, O death, how bitter you are. Around him is Clouds and darkness.
Translation: When my last hour is close at hand. When my last hour is close at hand. Gott Vater, hore unsre Bitt - F-Dur.
Translation: Beginnet The bitter ordeal. I love Jesus every hour. Oh, not for the last hour. from Schemelli Songbook.
Translation: Beginnet The bitter ordeal. I love Jesus every hour. Oh, not for the last hour.