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Die Kurrende, Bd. 2. Various. Choir sheet music.


Die Kurrende, Bd. 2. Various. Choir sheet music.


Die Kurrende, Bd. 2 composed by Various. Edited by Gerhard Trubel. For choir. This edition. Paperbound. Choral collections, Music for casuals. German title. 242 Chorsatze fur gemischten Chor. Hymn settings, Mass sections, German Psalms, Advent, Special days, End of the church year, Epiphany, Lent and Passiontide, Ascension, New year, Holy Week, Easter and Eastertide, Whitsun, Reformation day, Trinity, Christmas, Music for casuals, Eucharist. Choral collection. 296 pages. Published by Carus Verlag. CA.320200. ISBN M-007-00648-8. Hymn settings, Mass sections, German Psalms, Advent, Special days, End of the church year, Epiphany, Lent and Passiontide, Ascension, New year, Holy Week, Easter and Eastertide, Whitsun, Reformation day, Trinity, Christmas, Music for casuals, Eucharist. Wie lang, o Gott, in meiner Not - Phrygisch. Phrygian. Freuet euch, ihr Christen alle - F-Dur. F major. Vater unser im Himmelreich - g-Moll. G minor. Wenn wir in hochsten Noten sein. When in the hour of utmost need. - G-Dur. G major. Es wolle Gott uns gnadig sein - e-Moll. E minor. Jesus Christus, unser Heiland - Dorisch. Dorian. Wohl dem Menschen - G-Dur. G major. Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ - Dorisch. Dorian. Uns ist ein Kind geboren - F-Dur. F major. Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ - B-Dur. B-flat major. So wahr ich lebe, spricht dein Gott - a-Moll. A minor. Ach lieber Herre Jesu Christ. O Jesus Christ, beloved Lord. - B-Dur. B-flat major. Nun jauchzet, all ihr Frommen - G-Dur. G major. Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier. I stand beside thy cradle here. - B-Dur. B-flat major. Freut euch, ihr lieben Christen all - F-Dur. F major. O Welt, sieh hier dein Leben - F-Dur. F major. Wenn meine Sund' mich kranken - Dorisch. Dorian. Wenn wir in hochsten Noten sein. When in the hour of utmost need. - A-Dur. A major. Das ist furwahr ein kostlich Ding - D-Dur. D major. Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn. Das alte Jahr ist nun dahin - A-Dur. A major. Du starker Held, Herr Jesu Christ - F-Dur. F major. Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g'mein. Dear Christians, one and all, rejoice. - A-Dur. A major. O Mensch, bewein dein Sunde gross. O sinner, thy great sin bemoan. - F-Dur. F major. Wenn mein Stundlein vorhanden ist. When my last hour is close at hand. - G-Dur. G major. Jauchzt, alle Lande, Gott zu Ehren - C-Dur. C major. Jauchz, Erd und Himmel, juble helle - F-Dur. F major. Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele. O my soul, rejoice, be merry. - A-Dur. A major. Wie nach einer Wasserquelle - A-Dur. A major. Mein Leben ist ein Pilgrimstand - F-Dur. F major. Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir - G-Dur. G major. Singt mit froher Stimm - F-Dur. F major. Ich schau nach jenen Bergen gern - Mixolydisch. Mixolydian. Wenn Gott einst losen wird - Dorisch. Dorian. Aus meines Jammers Tiefe - Dorisch. Dorian. Lobt den Herrn, denn was er tut - C-Dur. C major. Nun danket Gott - F-Dur. F major. Es geht daher des Tages Schein - G-Dur. G major. Gott seines Herzens Grund aufschloss - F-Dur. F major. Ein Kindlein klein zu Bethlehem - A-Dur. A major. Introitus - a-Moll. A minor. Wach auf, meins Herzens Schone - A-Dur. A major. Treuer Wachter Israel - Dorisch. Dorian. Im Frieden dein, o Herre mein - G-Dur. G major. Lob Gott getrost mit Singen - G-Dur. G major. Sei Lob und Ehr dem hochsten Gut. All glory to the Lord of Lords. - G-Dur. G major. Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ. All praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. - Mixolydisch. Mixolydian. Jesus Christus, unser Heiland. Christus, der uns selig macht. Christ, who grants us blessedness. - Phrygisch. Phrygian. Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her. From heav'n above to earth I come. - F-Dur. F major. Die guldne Sonne voll Freud und Wonne - F-Dur. F major. Morgenglanz der Ewigkeit - D-Dur. D major. Gott des Himmels und der Erden - G-Dur. G major. Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ - g-Moll. G minor. Der Tag geht mud von hinnen - F-Dur. F major. So wunsch ich euch ein gute Nacht - G-Dur. G major. Der Mond ist aufgegangen - F-Dur. F major. Spiele, kleine Flote - F-Dur. F major. Mude bin ich, geh zur Ruh - G-Dur. G major. Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland. Now come, the nation's Saviour. - Dorisch. Dorian. Der Morgenstern ist aufgedrungen - G-Dur. G major. Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schar - F-Dur. F major. Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her. From heav'n above to earth I come. - D-Dur. D major. Lobt Gott, ihr Christen alle gleich. Praise God, ye Christians. - F-Dur. F major. Mit Freuden zart - D-Dur. D major. Wir wollen alle frohlich sein - Es-Dur. Eb major. Christ ist erstanden. Christ is arisen. - Dorisch. Dorian. Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist. We now implore the Holy Ghost. - G-Dur. G major. Ach wie fluchtig, ach wie nichtig - e-Moll. E minor. Wenn mein Stundlein vorhanden ist. When my last hour is close at hand. - F-Dur. F major. Wunderbarer Konig - G-Dur. G major. Sonne der Gerechtigkeit - Es-Dur. Eb major. Gott rufet noch - Dorisch. Dorian. Jauchzt, alle Lande, Gott zu Ehren - G-Dur. G major. War Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit - Dorisch. Dorian. Abend ward, bald kommt die Nacht - G-Dur. G major. In dir ist Freude - G-Dur. G major. Du grosser Schmerzensmann - e-Moll. E minor. In Gottes Namen fahren wir - Mixolydisch. Mixolydian. Ein Lammlein geht und tragt die Schuld. A Lamb goes uncomplaining forth. - F-Dur. F major. O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden. O sacred head, sore wounded. - Es-Dur. Eb major. Amen, das ist. Es werde wahr - Dorisch. Dorian. Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein. O God, from heaven look on us. - Phrygisch. Phrygian. Christ lag in Todesbanden. Christ lay in death's cold prison. - Dorisch. Dorian. Gott des Himmels und der Erden - B-Dur. B-flat major. Selig sind, die Leide tragen - B-Dur. B-flat major. Lass mich dein sein und bleiben - Dorisch. Dorian. O Welt, ich muss dich lassen. O world, I now must leave thee. - F-Dur. F major. Frohlockt mit Freud, ihr Volker all, SWV 144. op. 5 no. 48. - G-Dur. G major. Mit Dank wir sollen loben, SWV 104. op. 5 no. - Dorisch. Dorian. Ich lieb dich, Herr, von Herzen sehr, SWV 114. op. 5 no. 18. - e-Moll. E minor. In dich hab ich gehoffet, Herr, SWV 128 - F-Dur. F major. Ich will, so lang ich lebe, SWV 131 - F-Dur. F major. Ach Gott, der du vor dieser Zeit, SWV 157. op. 5 no. 61. - a-Moll. A minor. Kommt herzu, lasst uns frohlich sein, SWV 193. op. 5 no. 197. - Mixolydisch. Mixolydian. Jauchzet dem Herren, alle Welt, SWV 198. op. 5 no. 102. Shout to the Lord, all the earth. - D-Dur. D major. Danket dem Herren, lobt ihn frei, SWV 203. op. 5 no. 107. - Dorisch. Dorian. Danket dem Herrn, erzeigt ihm Ehr, SWV 204. op. 5 no. 108. - Lydisch. Lydian. Ich will von Herzen danken, SWV 209. op. 5 no. 113. - Dorisch. Dorian. Wohl denen, die da wandeln, SWV 219. op. 5 no. 132. - G-Dur. G major. Du tust viel Guts beweisen, SWV 220. op. 5 no. 124. - e-Moll. E minor. Lobt Gott, den Herrn der Herrlichkeit, SWV 111 - a-Moll. A minor. Lobt Gott von Herzensgrunde, SWV 240. op. 5 no. 144. - e-Moll. E minor. Danket dem Herren, gebt ihm Ehr, SWV 241. op. 5 no. 145. - Dorisch. Dorian. Lasst uns den Herren loben, SWV 239 - Mixolydisch. Mixolydian. Aller Augen warten auf dich, SWV 429 no. op. 13 no. 10. - Dorisch. Dorian. Meim Herzen ist's ein grosse Freud, SWV 214. op. 5 no. 118. - Dorisch. Dorian. Mit Ernst, o Menschenkinder - Dorisch. Dorian. Wie soll ich dich empfangen - Es-Dur. Eb major. Ihr lieben Christen, freut euch nun - D-Dur. D major. Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich - F-Dur. F major. Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern - D-Dur. D major. Ich freu mich in dem Herren - F-Dur. F major. Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g'mein. Dear Christians, one and all, rejoice. - F-Dur. F major. Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet. May God be praised. - Mixolydisch. Mixolydian. Du lieber Herre Jesu Christ - c-Moll. C minor. Schwer gehet uber mein Haupt - Phrygisch. Phrygian. Nun lasst uns Gott dem Herren - D-Dur. D major. Lobet den Herren alle, die ihn ehren - D-Dur. D major. Nun lasst uns Gott dem Herren - F-Dur. F major. Nun lasst uns Gott dem Herren - A-Dur. A major. Die guldne Sonne voll Freud und Wonne - G-Dur. G major. Die Nacht ist kommen - Mixolydisch. Mixolydian. Es ist gewisslich an der Zeit - G-Dur. G major. Es ist das Heil uns kommen her - F-Dur. F major. Ein wahrer Glaube Gotts Zorn stillt - F-Dur. F major. Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt - a-Moll. A minor. Auf meinen lieben Gott. In God, my faithful God. - e-Moll. E minor. Ich weiss, dass mein Erloser lebt - G-Dur. G major. Welt ade, ich bin dein mude - B-Dur. B-flat major. Ich will dich, mein Gott, erhohen - Dorisch. Dorian. Christus, der uns selig macht, BWV 245 no. 21. Christ, who grants us blessedness. - a-Moll. A minor. Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr, BWV 112 no. To God on high alone be praised. - G-Dur. G major. Gottes Sohn ist kommen, BWV 318. Once he came in blessing. - F-Dur. F major. Herr Christ, der einig Gotts Sohn, BWV 164 no. The only Son from Heaven. - B-Dur. B-flat major. Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend, BWV 332. Lord Jesus Christ, be present now. - G-Dur. G major. O Traurigkeit, o Herzeleid, BWV 404 - a-Moll. A minor. Das neugeborne Kindelein, BWV 122 no. 6 - g-Moll. G minor. Vater unser im Himmelreich - d-Moll. D minor. War Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit, BWV 257 - a-Moll. A minor. Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern, BWV 1 no. How brightly beams the morning star. - D-Dur. D major. So ruhest du, o meine Ruh, BWV 404 - a-Moll. A minor. Wir Christenleut han jetzund Freud, BWV 40 no. 3 - g-Moll. G minor. Sei gegrusset, Jesu gutig, BWV 410 - g-Moll. G minor. O herrlicher Tag, BWV 493 - A-Dur. A major. Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr. Tender love have I for thee, Lord. - Es-Dur. Eb major. Es ist das Heil uns kommen her, BWV 9 no. 7 - D-Dur. D major. Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt, BWV 18 no. Du Herzog meiner Seligkeit, BWV 67 no. 7 - A-Dur. A major. Du aller Menschen Vater, BWV 392 - B-Dur. B-flat major. Kommt her zu mir, spricht Gottes Sohn, BWV 74 no. 8 - a-Moll. A minor. Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn, BWV 342 - a-Moll. A minor. Befiehl du deine Wege, BWV 272 - d-Moll. D minor. Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 no. Jesus, priceless treasure. - d-Moll. D minor. Ach wie fluchtig, ach wie nichtig, BWV 26 no. 6 - a-Moll. A minor. Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen, BWV 244 no. Alas, dear Lord, what law then hast Thou broken. - h-Moll. B minor. Schmucke dich, o liebe Seele, BWV 180 no. Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness. - F-Dur. F major. Ermuntre dich, mein schwacher Geist, BWV 43 no. 11 - F-Dur. F major. Komm, Gott Schopfer, Heiliger Geist, BWV 370. Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire. - Mixolydisch. Mixolydian. Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin, BWV 125 no. In peace and joy I now depart. - Dorisch. Dorian. Es ist gewisslich an der Zeit, BWV 307 - B-Dur. B-flat major. Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort, BWV 6 no. Lord, keep us steadfast in thy word. - g-Moll. G minor. Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, BWV 99 no. Whatever God ordains is right. - G-Dur. G major. Nun schein, du Glanz der Herrlichkeit - g-Moll. G minor. Zion spricht. Zion said. - Es-Dur. Eb major. Ach bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ. O stay with us, Lord Jesus Christ. - B-Dur. B-flat major. Gott Vater, Herr, wir danken dir - Dorisch. Dorian. Freut euch, ihr Christen alle - Dorisch. Dorian. Freut euch, ihr lieben Christen - F-Dur. F major. Nachdem die Sonn beschlossen - A-Dur. A major. Herr Christ, der einig Gotts Sohn. The only Son from Heaven. - F-Dur. F major. Zu dieser osterlichen Zeit - Mixolydisch. Mixolydian. Zu dieser osterlichen Zeit - D-Dur. D major. Wir singen all mit Freudenschall - F-Dur. F major. Herr, wie du willst, so schick's mit mir. Thy will, O Lord, be done for me. - F-Dur. F major. Vater unser im Himmelreich - Dorisch. Dorian. Verleih uns Frieden gnadiglich. In thy mercy grant us peace. - g-Moll. G minor. O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig. O Lamb of God most holy. - D-Dur. D major. Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ - Dorisch. Dorian. Im finstern Stall, o Wunder gross - Dorisch. Dorian. Ich hab ein herzlich Freud - C-Dur. C major. Es ist ein Ros entsprungen - F-Dur. F major. Abend kommt - d-Moll. D minor. O Heiland, reiss die Himmel auf - Dorisch. Dorian. Es kommt ein Schiff geladen - Dorisch. Dorian. Ein Kindelein so lobelich - G-Dur. G major. Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr. To God on high alone be praised. - G-Dur. G major. Von Gott will ich nicht lassen - Dorisch. Dorian. Gloria. Gloria. - G-Dur. G major. Gott der Vater wohn uns bei - G-Dur. G major. Christe, du Beistand deiner Kreuzgemeine - Dorisch. Dorian. Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt. So greatly God esteemed the world. - Dorisch. Dorian. Die Erloseten des Herren werden wiederkommen - Dorisch. Dorian. Der Brautigam wird bald rufen - G-Dur. G major. Kommt her zu mir alle - Dorisch. Dorian. Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir. In deepest need I cry to you. - Phrygisch. Phrygian. Wir danken dir fur deinen Tod - e-Moll. E minor. Erstanden ist der heilig Christ - D-Dur. D major. O Heiliger Geist, du gottlichs Feur - Dorisch. Dorian. Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort. Lord, keep us steadfast in thy word. - Dorisch. Dorian. Gott Vater, hore unsre Bitt - F-Dur. F major. Die helle Sonn leucht jetzt herfur - D-Dur. D major. Hinunter ist der Sonne Schein - Dorisch. Dorian. Herr Gott, nun schleuss den Himmel auf - a-Moll. A minor. Erweckt hat mir das Herz zu dir - Mixolydisch. Mixolydian. Ich dank dir schon durch deinen Sohn - D-Dur. D major. Aus meines Herzens Grunde - B-Dur. B-flat major. Seid frohlich und jubilieret - F-Dur. F major. In dulci jubilo - F-Dur. F major. Jesu, deine Passion. Jesus, through your suffering. - a-Moll. A minor. O Christ, wir danken deiner Gut - Dorisch. Dorian. Wohlauf, ihr Christen, freuet euch. Es war des ewigen Vaters Rat - A-Dur. A major. O glaubig Herz, gebenedei - e-Moll. E minor. Herr Jesu Christe, Gottes Sohn - F-Dur. F major. Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren. My soul, now bless thy Maker. - G-Dur. G major. Lobet den Herren, alle Heiden - g-Moll. G minor. Nun danket alle Gott. Now thank we all our God. - Es-Dur. Eb major. O Gott, wir danken deiner Gut - Dorisch. Dorian. Kyrie. Kyrie. - Mixolydisch. Mixolydian. Wer Gott vertrauen tut - Dorisch. Dorian. Zu dir von Herzensgrunde - D-Dur. D major. Nun danket all und bringet Ehr - F-Dur. F major. Nun aufwarts froh den Blick gewandt - F-Dur. F major. Wir danken dir, o Gottes Lamm - F-Dur. F major. Mit meinem Gott geh ich zur Ruh - F-Dur. F major. Ich bin bei Gott in Gnaden - C-Dur. C major. Komm, Herr Jesu - C-Dur. C major.


Die Kurrende, Bd. 2 composed by Various. Edited by Gerhard Trubel. For choir. This edition. Paperbound. Choral collections, Music for casuals. German title. 242 choir sets for mixed choir. Hymn settings, Mass sections, German Psalms, Advent, Special days, End of the church year, Epiphany, Lent and Passiontide, Ascension, New year, Holy Week, Easter and Eastertide, Whitsun, Reformation day, Trinity, Christmas, Music for casuals, Eucharist. Choral collection. 296 pages. Published by Carus Verlag. CA.320200. ISBN M-007-00648-8. Hymn settings, Mass sections, German Psalms, Advent, Special days, End of the church year, Epiphany, Lent and Passiontide, Ascension, New year, Holy Week, Easter and Eastertide, Whitsun, Reformation day, Trinity, Christmas, Music for casuals, Eucharist. How long, O God, in my need - Phrygian. Phrygian. Rejoice, you Christians all - F Major. F major. Our Father in Heaven - G Minor. G minor. When in the highest grades. When in the hour of utmost need. - G-Dur. G major. There may God be gracious to us - E Minor. E minor. Jesus Christ our Saviour - Doric. Dorian. Blessed is the man - G major. G major. We thank you, Lord Jesus Christ - Doric. Dorian. Unto us a child is born - F Major. F major. We thank you, Lord Jesus Christ - B flat major. B-flat major. As I live, saith thy God - A Minor. A minor. Oh dear Lord Jesus Christ. O Jesus Christ, beloved Lord. - B-Dur. B-flat major. Now make a joyful noise all ye faithful - G major. G major. I stand at your crib here. I stand beside thy cradle here. - B-Dur. B-flat major. Rejoice, dear Christians all - F Major. F major. O world, look here your life - F Major. F major. If my Sund 'me sick - Doric. Dorian. When in the highest grades. When in the hour of utmost need. - A-Dur. A major. This is a deliciously furwahr thing - D Major. D major. Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn. The old year is now gone - A Major. A major. Du starker Held, Herr Jesu Christ - F-Dur. F major. Rejoice, dear Christians g'mein. Dear Christians, one and all, rejoice. - A-Dur. A major. O man, bewail your great sin. O sinner, thy great sin bemoan. - F-Dur. F major. If my Stundlein is available. When my last hour is close at hand. - G-Dur. G major. Shout for joy, all the land, God honoring - C Major. C major. Jauchz, earth and sky, bright cheer - F Major. F major. Rejoice greatly, o my soul. O my soul, rejoice, be merry. - A-Dur. A major. As for a water source - A Major. A major. My life is a Pilgrim stand - F Major. F major. Lord God, we praise all - G major. G major. Sing with joyful voice - F Major. F major. I look after those mountains like - Mixolydian. Mixolydian. If God was once free will - Doric. Dorian. From my misery depth - Doric. Dorian. Praise the Lord for what he does - C Major. C major. Nun danket Gott - F-Dur. F major. It is therefore the day ticket - G major. G major. God unlocked his heart reason - F Major. F major. A small child of Bethlehem - A Major. A major. Introitus - a-Moll. A minor. Wake up, mine heart Schone - A Major. A major. Spreader Wachter Israel - Doric. Dorian. In your peace, O my Herre - G major. G major. Praise God confidently with singing - G major. G major. Be praise and honor the highest Good. All glory to the Lord of Lords. - G-Dur. G major. Blessed are You, Jesus Christ. All praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. - Mixolydisch. Mixolydian. Jesus Christ, our Savior. Christ, who makes us blessed. Christ, who grants us blessedness. - Phrygisch. Phrygian. Vom Himmel hoch, where I'm from. From heav'n above to earth I come. - F-Dur. F major. The sun guldne full joy and delight - F Major. F major. Morgenglanz of Eternity - D Major. D major. God of heaven and earth - G major. G major. We thank you, Lord Jesus Christ - G Minor. G minor. The day is mud from here - F Major. F major. So I wish you a good night - G major. G major. The moon has risen - F Major. F major. Games, small flute - F Major. F major. Tired I am, go to rest - G major. G major. Now come, der Heiden Heiland. Now come, the nation's Saviour. - Dorisch. Dorian. The morning star is forced upon - G major. G major. Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schar - F-Dur. F major. Vom Himmel hoch, where I'm from. From heav'n above to earth I come. - D-Dur. D major. Praise God, ye Christians all the same. Praise God, ye Christians. - F-Dur. F major. With delicate joys - D Major. D major. We all want to be merry - E-flat major. Eb major. Jesus Christ is risen. Christ is arisen. - Dorisch. Dorian. Now we ask the Holy Spirit. We now implore the Holy Ghost. - G-Dur. G major. Ah, how fleeting, oh how trivial - E Minor. E minor. If my Stundlein is available. When my last hour is close at hand. - F-Dur. F major. Wonderful King - G major. G major. Sun of Righteousness - E-flat major. Eb major. God calls out yet - Doric. Dorian. Shout for joy, all the land, God honoring - G major. G major. Was God not with us this time - Doric. Dorian. Evening came, soon comes the night - G major. G major. In thee is joy - G major. G major. You are great man of sorrows - E Minor. E minor. In God's name we go - Mixolydian. Mixolydian. A Lammlein go and bear the blame. A Lamb goes uncomplaining forth. - F-Dur. F major. O Sacred Head, Now Wounded. O sacred head, sore wounded. - Es-Dur. Eb major. Amen, that is. Let there be true - Doric. Dorian. Oh God, from heaven look into it. O God, from heaven look on us. - Phrygisch. Phrygian. Christ lag in Todesbanden. Christ lay in death's cold prison. - Dorisch. Dorian. God of heaven and earth - B flat major. B-flat major. Blessed are those who bear the sorrow - B flat major. B-flat major. Let me be your and remain - Doric. Dorian. O world, I'll have you. O world, I now must leave thee. - F-Dur. F major. Rejoice with Freud, their Volker all, SWV 144. op. 5 does. 48. - G-Dur. G major. With gratitude we should praise, SWV 104. op. 5 does. - Dorisch. Dorian. I Love You Lord, from my heart very, SWV 114. op. 5 does. 18. - e-Moll. E minor. I gehoffet In thee, O Lord, SWV 128 - F Major. F major. I want, as long as I live, SWV 131 - F Major. F major. Oh God, who before this time, SWV 157. op. 5 does. 61. - a-Moll. A minor. O come, let us be merry, SWV 193. op. 5 does. 197. - Mixolydisch. Mixolydian. Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth, SWV 198. op. 5 does. 102. Shout to the Lord, all the earth. - D-Dur. D major. Give thanks to the Lord, praise him free, SWV 203. op. 5 does. 107. - Dorisch. Dorian. Give thanks to the Lord shewed him Ehr, SWV 204. op. 5 does. 108. - Lydisch. Lydian. I want to thank you from the heart, SWV 209. op. 5 does. 113. - Dorisch. Dorian. Blessed are those who walk there, SWV 219. op. 5 does. 132. - G-Dur. G major. You are doing a lot to prove Guts, SWV 220. op. 5 does. 124. - e-Moll. E minor. Praise God, the Lord of glory, SWV 111 - A Minor. A minor. Praise God from bottom of my heart, SWV 240. op. 5 does. 144. - e-Moll. E minor. Give thanks to the Lord, give him honor, SWV 241. op. 5 does. 145. - Dorisch. Dorian. Let us praise the Lord, SWV 239 - Mixolydian. Mixolydian. The eyes of all wait upon thee, SWV 429 no. op. 13 no. 10. - Dorisch. Dorian. Meim heart is a big Freud's, SWV 214. op. 5 does. 118. - Dorisch. Dorian. With Ernst, O children of men - Doric. Dorian. How should I receive you - E-flat major. Eb major. My dear Christians, you now looking forward - D Major. D major. The day, which is so full of joy - F Major. F major. As shines the morning star - D Major. D major. I'm glad in the Lord - F Major. F major. Rejoice, dear Christians g'mein. Dear Christians, one and all, rejoice. - F-Dur. F major. God be praised and gebenedeiet. May God be praised. - Mixolydisch. Mixolydian. You dear Lord Jesus Christ - C Minor. C minor. Heavy goeth over my head - Phrygian. Phrygian. Now let us God the Lord - D Major. D major. Praise the Lord all who honor him - D Major. D major. Now let us God the Lord - F Major. F major. Now let us God the Lord - A Major. A major. The sun guldne full joy and delight - G major. G major. The night is coming - Mixolydian. Mixolydian. It is most certainly at the time - G major. G major. It is our salvation come from - F Major. F major. A true faith god wrath breastfeeding - F Major. F major. Through Adam's fall is all corrupt - A Minor. A minor. My love God. In God, my faithful God. - e-Moll. E minor. I know that my Redeemer lives - G major. G major. Goodbye world, I'm your tired - B flat major. B-flat major. I want you, my God increase, - Doric. Dorian. Christ, who makes us blessed, BWV 245 no. 21. Christ, who grants us blessedness. - a-Moll. A minor. Only God in the Hoh glory be, BWV 112 no. To God on high alone be praised. - G-Dur. G major. Son of God is come, BWV 318. Once he came in blessing. - F-Dur. F major. Lord Christ, the son god agreed, BWV 164 no. The only Son from Heaven. - B-Dur. B-flat major. Lord Jesus Christ, you wend to us, BWV 332. Lord Jesus Christ, be present now. - G-Dur. G major. O sadness, o Herzeleid, BWV 404 - A Minor. A minor. The new-born little child, BWV 122 no. 6 - g-Moll. G minor. Our Father in Heaven - D Minor. D minor. Was God not with us this time, BWV 257 - A Minor. A minor. As shines the morning star, BWV 1 no. How brightly beams the morning star. - D-Dur. D major. So you rest, O my peace, BWV 404 - A Minor. A minor. We Christenleut han jetzund Freud, BWV 40 no. 3 - g-Moll. G minor. Be gegrusset, Jesus gutig, BWV 410 - G Minor. G minor. O glorious day, BWV 493 - A Major. A major. Dearly I love you, O Lord. Tender love have I for thee, Lord. - Es-Dur. Eb major. It is our salvation come from, BWV 9 no. 7 - D-Dur. D major. Through Adam's fall is all corrupt, BWV 18 no. You Herzog my bliss, BWV 67 no. 7 - A-Dur. A major. You of all people father, BWV 392 - B-flat major. B-flat major. Come unto me, saith the Son of God, BWV 74 no. 8 - a-Moll. A minor. Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn, BWV 342 - a-Moll. A minor. Commit thou thy ways, BWV 272 - D Minor. D minor. Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 no. Jesus, priceless treasure. - d-Moll. D minor. Ah, how fleeting, oh, how vain, BWV 26 no. 6 - a-Moll. A minor. Heart Dearest Jesus, what have you done wrong, BWV 244 no. Alas, dear Lord, what law then hast Thou broken. - h-Moll. B minor. Jewelry thee, O dear soul, BWV 180 no. Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness. - F-Dur. F major. Ermuntre you, my feeble mind, BWV 43 no. 11 - F-Dur. F major. Komm, Gott Schopfer, Holy Spirit, BWV 370. Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire. - Mixolydisch. Mixolydian. With peace and joy I depart, BWV 125 no. In peace and joy I now depart. - Dorisch. Dorian. It is most certainly at the time, BWV 307 - B-flat major. B-flat major. Receiving us, Lord, in Thy Word, BWV 6 no. Lord, keep us steadfast in thy word. - g-Moll. G minor. What God does is well done, BWV 99 no. Whatever God ordains is right. - G-Dur. G major. Well apparently, you shine the glory - G Minor. G minor. Zion speaks. Zion said. - Es-Dur. Eb major. Abide with us, Lord Jesus Christ. O stay with us, Lord Jesus Christ. - B-Dur. B-flat major. Gott Vater, Herr, wir danken dir - Dorisch. Dorian. Rejoice, ye Christians all - Doric. Dorian. Rejoice, dear Christians - F Major. F major. After the Sun decided - A Major. A major. Lord Christ, the son god agree. The only Son from Heaven. - F-Dur. F major. At this current time oster - Mixolydian. Mixolydian. At this current time oster - D Major. D major. We all sing with joy sound - F Major. F major. Lord, as Thou wilt, send it to me. Thy will, O Lord, be done for me. - F-Dur. F major. Our Father in Heaven - Doric. Dorian. Grant us peace gnadiglich. In thy mercy grant us peace. - g-Moll. G minor. O Lamb of God, innocent. O Lamb of God most holy. - D-Dur. D major. I call to you, Lord Jesus Christ - Doric. Dorian. In the dark barn, wonder of wonders large - Doric. Dorian. I cordially Freud - C Major. C major. Es ist ein Ros - F Major. F major. Evening comes - D Minor. D minor. O Saviour, the heavens tear on - Doric. Dorian. It is a ship loaded - Doric. Dorian. A little child so lobelich - G major. G major. Only God in the Hoh Kudos. To God on high alone be praised. - G-Dur. G major. I will not let go of God - Doric. Dorian. Glory. Glory. - G-Dur. G major. God the Father living in us - G major. G major. Christe, du counsel cross your congregation - Doric. Dorian. For God so loved the world. So greatly God esteemed the world. - Dorisch. Dorian. The Erloseten of the Lord will come back - Dorian. Dorian. The groom will call soon - G major. G major. Come unto me, all - Doric. Dorian. Out of the depths I cry to Thee. In deepest need I cry to you. - Phrygisch. Phrygian. We thank you for your death - E Minor. E minor. Risen is the holy Christ - D Major. D major. O Holy Spirit, you gottlichs Feur - Doric. Dorian. Receiving us, Lord, at thy word. Lord, keep us steadfast in thy word. - Dorisch. Dorian. Gott Vater, hore unsre Bitt - F-Dur. F major. The bright Sun shining herfur now - D Major. D major. Down is the sunshine - Doric. Dorian. Jeez, now the sky on Schleuss - A Minor. A minor. Awaken has my heart to you - Mixolydian. Mixolydian. I thank you already by your son - D Major. D major. From bottom of my heart - B flat major. B-flat major. Be merry and jubilieret - F Major. F major. In dulci jubilo - F-Dur. F major. Jesu, deine Passion. Jesus, through your suffering. - a-Moll. A minor. O Christ, we thank your good - Doric. Dorian. Arise, ye Christians, rejoice. It was the eternal Father Council - A Major. A major. O heart a believer, gebenedei - E Minor. E minor. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God - F Major. F major. Well praise, my soul, the men. My soul, now bless thy Maker. - G-Dur. G major. Lobet den Herren, alle Heiden - g-Moll. G minor. Nun danket alle Gott. Now thank we all our God. - Es-Dur. Eb major. O God, we thank your good - Doric. Dorian. Kyrie. Kyrie. - Mixolydisch. Mixolydian. Who does trust God - Doric. Dorian. To you from bottom of my heart - D Major. D major. Now thank we all, and bring honor - F Major. F major. Now aufwarts glad to see turned - F Major. F major. We thank thee, O Lamb of God - F Major. F major. With my God I'm going to rest - F Major. F major. I am with God in grace - C Major. C major. Komm, Herr Jesu - C-Dur. C major.