Translation: 48. Hymn Descants for Festive and General Use. Various. 48. Hymn Descants for Festive and General Use.
Translation: There'll Be Not Dark Valley. He Comes, With Clouds Descending. Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart. Various.
Translation: Angels, From The Realms Of Glory. Go To Dark Gethsemane. He Comes, With Clouds Descending. Our Songs and Hymns.
Translation: Angels from the Realms of Glory. Angels We Have Heard On High. He Comes With Clouds Descending. Various.
Translation: Come, Dearest Lord, Descend And Dwell. Lo, He Comes With Clouds Descending. Now, On Land And Sea Descending.
Translation: Trade. How dark, O Lord, are Thy decrees. Waft her, angels. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth.
Translation: The Angel Gabriel From Heaven Came. Reproducible. Choir sheet music. Beginning. Reproducible.
Translation: Angels from the Realms of Glory. Angels We Have Heard On High. He Comes With Clouds Descending. Loose-leaf, Black.
Translation: Sacred Songs . To her is in clouds and darkness. From Celestial Seats Descending. Waft Her, Angels Thro' The Skies.
Translation: German Lieder for Medium . In this dark tomb, WoO 133. Dammrung descended from above, Op. 59, no. 1.
Translation: Dammrung descended from above. Though I speak with the tongues of angels and Mensheviks.