Translation: a Mezzo will probably have the right sort of tone colour. One of them could do the solo part. A cappella. Secular , Partsong.
Translation: Secondly, it has been written to get players thinking about time without being too challenging.
Translation: In the spirit of oral tradition, some of these verses are traditional, and some are original. " Case closed.
Translation: "I think that music notes is vary good because they have easy and hard stuff I shose this. Easy Piano. Plan. Vocal.
Translation: Da Ya Think I'm Sexy. I Can See for Miles. I Love Rock 'N Roll. I Shot The Sheriff. I'm A Man.
Translation: that learning to improvise should be part of the training of any serious musician. When should you improvise.
Translation: Classic. Think Twice. All Out Of Love. I Will. Anything For You. You Do Something To Me. Fix You.
Translation: This two-volume set in a production hardcover case is an essential addition to any Elvis fan's library. I Feel So Bad.
Translation: This two-volume set in a production hardcover case is an essential addition to any Elvis fan's library. Love Song Of The Year.