Translation: Large mixed together.
Translation: or however you print that. Small. Flute. Clarinet. Tenor Saxophone. French Horn. Trumpet. Trombone.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: [SHEET MUSIC - PIANO SCORE] A Época de Ouro da Cano Italiana - Italian Songs - CANZONE PER TE, VOLARE, AL DI L AND OTHERS.
Translation: -Sconosciuti Books Jazz Other-.
Translation: Transcribed from the Royal Danish Library manuscript KB 1872. The notes' values, accidentals and colourings are as in the manuscript.
Translation: SSAT. Included in manuscript score in "Mapa Armonico Practico", published in facsimile by Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas.
Translation: This "unicum" has been transcribed from the København manuscript KB 1872.
Translation: This other example consists of two fugues in unison, in the same tempo, two voices and two violins. From Armonico Practical Map.
Translation: A cappella. English. SATB. A traditional murder ballad.
Translation: It is' sprung from a Ros. Language. German. Original text and translations.
Translation: Language. English. The two three part Catches are from. the collection "the Chatch Club or the merry Companions.
Translation: English. The two three part Catches are from the collection "the Chatch Club or the merry Companions.
Translation: Only instrument plan. Robert Reck. Solo Violin.
Translation: This subsides towards the final verse, where the texture of the music attenuates again to four parts, and canonic writing.
Translation: CHOIR.