Translation: Rhapsody on Airs Catalans.
Translation: These deeds and more. Original text and translations may be found at Le lagrime di San Pietro. The Tears of Saint Peter.
Translation: "A favorite song of General Wolfe's & sung the evening before the engagement wherein he was killed". Anonymous. A cappella. English.
Translation: Mamerts Celminskis. Trumpets I & II in B, Trombone, Tuba. Sacred , Hymn Meter. 88. 98. Language. Latin.
Translation: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. Sacred , Evening Canticles , Antiphon. Latin. SATBar.
Translation: It is available in 4-part and chant versions. Charles H. Giffen. A cappella. Sacred , Antiphon. Language. ATBarB or Unison.
Translation: After each line is sung there is a brief pause, which contributes effectively to the somber atmosphere. Secular , Partsong.
Translation: Viol Consort. Language. AATTBB.
Translation: A cappella. Sacred , Mass. Language. SATB.
Translation: Philip Law. SATB.SATB or SATB.
Translation: Vague that little bird singing go. Original text and translations. Original text and translations may be found at. Language.
Translation: The section before the fugue was published in 1779, in 3. some time after 1781, words were added. A cappella.
Translation: Plan. Solero.