Translation: Plan.
Translation: Hal Leonard , Walt Disney Music Publishing. Plan.
Translation: The crew abandoned ship and 58 German sailors were captured with only one casualty. Timpani Solo. For timpani solo. timpani.
Translation: The House Carpenter composed by Frederick Speck.
Translation: Ratatouille composed by Michael Giacchino. Piano Solo Songbook. Softcover. 72 pages.
Translation: by Bob Dylan. Arranged by Don Giller and Ed Lozano. For Guitar.
Translation: Stories - VI. Abandon the Palace. Automatic Descriptions - I. On A Ship. CD Sheet Music.
Translation: German Lieder for Medium . On the ships, Op. 97, no. 2. The abandoned Magdlein. German Lieder for Medium .
Translation: Song for women's voices. The abandoned Magdlein. Still at night many a ship ride op. Song for women's voices.