Translation: Hi. A schoolboy -. R. Nenashev - -. Joe Dassin. Instr. Instr. Music.
Translation: R. Pauls, Voznesensky. A schoolboy -. for children's orchestra A. scholar -. Instr. Instr. Music.
Translation: E. Ptichkin, R. Christmas. A scholar - -. Instr. Music.
Translation: Nocturne. A. Babajanyan, R. Christmas. Instr. S. Ganicheva - - -. Arr. Bazhenova - - - -. Music.
Translation: Golden jubilee. R. Pauls, I. Reznik. A. Dyakonov -. A scholar - - -. Instr. Instr. Music.
Translation: Make a wish. A. Babajanyan, R. Christmas. Instr. N. Zolotarev -. Arr. B. Gottlieb - -. Music.
Translation: Not a night. R. Pauls, I. Reznik. For female voice with a big band. Instr. B. Buregi -. Instr. Yu Klyuchnikova - -.
Translation: There is only a moment. A. Zatsepin, L. Derbenyov. A schoolboy -. R. Nenashev - -. From the movie Sannikov Land.
Translation: Cherry. Manukov R., A. Prokofiev. A scholar - -. From the repertoire of VIA Jolly Fellows. Instr. E. Koltsov -. Instr.
Translation: Vernissage. R. Pauls, I. Reznik. A. Black - -. A. Sarkisov - -. Instr. Instr. S. Surovtsev -. Arr. Music.
Translation: Thank you. A. Babajanyan, R. Christmas. Arr. V. Ryabinin - -. Music.
Translation: Blue Moon. R. Rodgers - -. A. Grustneva -. Slow foxtrot. Arr. Music.
Translation: We - the army of the people. Mr. Movsesian, R. Christmas. for soloist and orchestra A. Komlev -. Marsh song. Instr. Instr.
Translation: Moments. M. Tariverdiev, R. Christmas. A. Kostenko - -. March. From the film Seventeen Moments of Spring. Instr. Music.