Translation: The part may be taken by a Tenor, or the service is available transposed to G minor. Sacred , Evening Canticles. Language.
Translation: Included with the Nunc dimittis is a setting of its antiphon at Compline , Salva nos. Language. Latin. SATBar.
Translation: The verse sections of this service contain alto parts at the bottom of comfortable range. William Child. Sacred , Evening Canticles.
Translation: This work sets the antiphon which is sung before and after the Nunc dimittis at Compline. English. ATBarB or Unison.
Translation: Edmund Hooper. Organ. Sacred , Evening Canticles. Language. English. SATB. pays more solos.
Translation: It works well as a contrast to the Byrd tones Magnificat found as part of Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis.
Translation: and not a Magnificat as stated in Carols for Choirs 2. Sacred , Evening Canticles. Latin. SATTB.
Translation: Sacred , Motet , Evening Canticles. English , German. SATB with choral soli SATB.